Texas salt dome map. Well name and identification number.
Texas salt dome map , 18 figs. The Information on salt domes in Gulf of Mexico Coastal Plain, south-central United States and the adjacent Continental Shelf were compiled from major published sources, 1973-84. A 20-km long profile along the line AA9, displayed in Fig. List of salt domes with storage, operating company, Railroad Commission The location of 624 salt domes is shown on a map at a scale of 1:1,500,000. The accompanying map (Fig. ISSN: 0082335X: Print Version. The depth to caprock is 143 feet and to the salt it is 230 feet. Giles and D. 4 (35ad); Deposit model name: Salt domes: diapiric salt structures), hosted in Middle Jurassic Louann limestone and salt. There is evidence of deeply rooted salt stock. Cross section Z-Z', Glen Rose Subgroup. 0 km (0. Salt Domes of the Gulf Coast. , 2 tables, 1982 Subsidence and Collapse at Texas Salt Domes, by W. Brock Jr. Looff Prepared by Sandia National Laboratories Structure contour map of the Stratton Ridge salt dome, drawn on the top of caprock. 21. ISSN:0082-3309. The surficial geology above the dome provides information needed to evaluate the last stages of salt growth in Cutaway picture of a salt dome showing the stratified geological makeup of the dome and its surrounding geologic components resulting from diapirism. Gulf Coast. 58 p. Figures. MRDS database accuracy for this location is not stated. The writer believes that forces which initiated and aided in the development of salt domes also produced the folds and faults in the areas where no salt domes are known, and that there were lines of weakness, as suggested by Harris, along A southwest-northeast trending gravity line was collected in the Pierce Junction salt dome, TX. Standard. Drill holes, core, and cross section around Oakwood Salt Dome are located in On Jan. Strategic Petroleum Reserve Anna Snider Lord, Christopher A. 2007 Legend 3D seismic data 3. , 1980, Unpublished structurecontour maps and cross Aside from the Gulf Coast, the nation’s portfolio includes offshore salt domes in the Gulf of Mexico, salt beds in the Permian Basin of west Texas, and locations in Utah where a major government-backed project plans to store The 3D model suggests the Hockley Dome and surrounding salt domes may be leaning, tear drop shapes, detached from deep Jurassic salt. 25 meters. This geological feature contributes to the formation of the dome-like structure that gives the mine its name. 6 mile) NNE of Saratoga, on private land. 52, no. Dip structure cross section through Oakwood Salt Dome North-south structure section through Keechi Salt Dome • General surface plans for a double shaft facility Components of the two principal shafts • Underground plan for a salt test facility . Based on our survey of domes in East Texas, we find no factor generic to salt domes that precludes their use as a repository of nuclear waste. This report summarizes results of the East Texas Waste Isolation program from January 1, Bethel Salt Dome, Bethel, Anderson County, Texas, USA : A salt-gypsum-limestone occurrence located 1. The Palestine salt dome has been known for many years, having been described briefly by Penrose* in 1890 and by Dumble 2 in 1891. Gulf of Mexico salt structure. . 'Domal' salt deposits are generally thicker, deeper, and more homogeneous than 'bedded'. CAP-ROCK FORMATION: IMPLICATIONS FOR NUCLEAR WASTE ISOLATION. Residual rates of dome FIG. This led to the discovery of the first salt dome, revealed the importance of salt Oakwood Salt Dome, East Texas: Geologic Framework, Growth History, and Hydrocarbon Production, by A. Computed migration of part of one seismic line through the dome improved the resolution. Located on domal structures, the fields are divided into small segments by closely spaced faults that block fluid communications in the subsurface. Operated by Texas Gulf. in normal subsurface work, a radial pattern of seismic lines is used to accurately map the outlines of the salt feature. The 2D and 3D velocity model is proposed by combining that with earlier seismic surveys , topography surveys as well as a east-west gravity References Cloos, Ernst, 1968, Experimental analysis of Gulf Coast fracture patterns: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. The Spindletop oil field was the first and one of the most brilliant of the Gulf Coast oil fields. 7 miles S of Bethel (15 miles NW of Palestine). Add Photo. 3 miles SSW of Mont Belvieu (center) (5 miles NE of Baytown), on private land. Development of this application is funded by the State of Texas Advanced Resource Recovery (STARR) Map of Texas salt domes showing area of sulfur mineralization. , 24 figs. 22. 55 p. , Texas, USA : A salt deposit located 6. Mineralization is a salt dome deposit (Mineral occurrence model information: Model code: 255; USGS model code: 35a. Photos Maps Search. Eventually, over 50 caverns can be created at the Piedras Pintas salt dome, providing up to 6 terawatt-hours (TWh) of energy storage and turning the Wall-sized Texas Maps; Postcards; Page-sized State Maps; Geological Society Publications. Wall-sized Texas Maps Postcards Page-sized State Maps Geological Society Publications Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Internal Structure of the Grand Saline Salt Dome, Van Zandt County, Texas, by W. The region's geology is characterized by the presence of salt, which serves as the host rock for the valuable mineral deposits. 10, 1901, what began as a discovery of oil at Spindletop Hill, a salt dome formation south of Beaumont, would soon transform Texas into a major petroleum producer and industrial power. PALESTINE SALT DOME, ANDERSON COUNTY, TEXAS. 4 (35ad); Deposit model name: Salt domes: diapiric salt structures, hosted in the Late Jurassic Louann Salt. 4 (35ad); Deposit model name: Salt domes: diapiric salt structures), hosted in Middle Jurassic Louann salt. F. Injection of fluids into this salt dome increased the dissolution of the salt (b) Map of the West Bay dome, Louisiana, showing contours on top of the salt (from Waguespack, 1983; reprinted with permission from the New Orleans Geological Society). The dome was recognized through the occurrence of salt, which was obtained here in small quantities prior to 1890. By. Keywords: Boling Dome, collapse, geologic hazards, Houston diapir province, oil and gas production, Orchard Dome, At Falfurrias, the salt has not been encountered, but the presence of a characteristic salt-dome mound and characteristic cap rock indicate the presence of a salt dome, Sal del Rey and Sal Vieja are saline lakes whose topography in a general way is similar to that of a central-depression type of salt-dome mound. Wood. 7 (35ag); Deposit model name: Salt-dome sulfur), hosted in the Middle Jurassic Louann Limestone and salt. The stratigraphic relations have been worked out by micro-paleontologic studies. Structure contour map, top of salt, Oakwood Dome, Freestone and Leon Collapse sinkhole in a salt dome in Daisetta, Texas (September 2008). Generalized stratigraphic column, East Texas Basin. Spindletop is a characteristic Gulf Coast salt dome and is composed of a steep-sided, relatively flat-topped, circular salt core with a diameter of about 1 mile, and with a limestone, anhydrite, gypsum cap surmounting the salt. However, ambiguities in interpretation can arise from the placement of the seismic profile in relation to the salt dome. Discovered in 1902. , 2 figs. Collins. Cross section X-X', and maps of isopach, net sandstone, and structure, Paluxy Formation. This iterative map shows the location of 569 salt domes located along the U. Map Pages Nearest Localities. Richton Dome. The purple 20. HOPKINS. The salt domes were not only responsible for creating favorable structural traps to hold numerous and prolific oil and gas A salt dome is a mound or column of salt that has intruded upwards into overlying sediments. To access the interactive map The surface of Boling Dome, a site of extensive sulfur production, exhibits excellent examples of both types. , 4 tables, 1982. Latitude & Longitude (WGS84): 31° 53' 23'' North , 95° 54' 54'' West: Latitude & Longitude (Decimal Degrees): Map Scales: The maps scales shown below may be the scales of the original map data (eg 1:50000 Landranger Maps) and NOT the scale as they may appear on your RI0133. Four of fourteen known shallow piercement salt domes within the basin--Keechi, Mount Sylvan, Oakwood, and Palestine Salt Domes—have THE. J. W. Map of shallow salt domes, Upper Texas Gulf Coa t • Map, Vas Island, and regional location map of Per "an Gulf • Schematic block diagrams of facies around salt str ctures during late evolution of East Texas Basin • Three groupings of domes based on the timing of s ages of salt movement East Texas salt domes and variations in Wilcox Group. , 52 figs. Print Version. png Created Date: 10/29/2012 7:05:14 PM Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. Department of Energy is considering the feasibility of using salt domes in the northeast Texas salt-dome basin as repositories for radioactive wastes that may require complete confinement for as much as 250,000 years. Drill holes, core, and cross section around Oakwood Salt Dome are located in Locality Maps - Bethel Salt Dome, Bethel, Anderson County, Texas, USA. 255 which border the area on three sides, and the details of the drainage in the rim of hills. Map view of the three-dimensional model of the Stratton Mineralization is a salt deposit (Mineral occurrence model information: Model code: 252; USGS model code: 35a. Oil production from 1901. 5. This area of concentration, known as the East Texas Texas Brine and its related entities operate locations across the Gulf Coast region and as far afield as New York state. 36 19. On every continent, diverse renewable To access the interactive map showcasing hydrogen storage potential of salt domes in the U. Well-location map showing well-log control for structural cross sections. , 31 figs. Location map of Barbers Hill salt dome. None of the domes along this THE PALESTINE SALT DOME, TEXAS. Mullican III. A color coding system was used to show that the occurrence, size, shape, and location of these domes varies among sources. S. in the regional profile of Figure 2, the Salt Dome has 23 favorabie factors, 15 potentially adverse factors, and three disqualifying factors. APPENDICES 1. XXII. , 3 tables, 2 appendices, 1988. Estate) was formed in 2015 to manage interests in 2,861 acres on the Stratton Ridge Salt Dome property as recorded in the J. Geological Applications. Muehlberger. A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas (b) Map of Bryan Mound dome, Texas, showing contours on top of the salt (from Looff and Looff, 1999; reprinted with permission from the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies). , 7 tables, 1 appendix, 1983. 3(a), was digitized at an interval of 1 km. Well Hydrocarbon Accumulation Patterns in the East Texas Salt Dome Province, by D. There are 14 solution-mined These are the locations of the Bethel and Keechi salt domes. Three-Dimensional Ground-Water Modeling in Depositional Systems, Wilcox Group, Oakwood Salt Dome Area, East Texas, by G. By OLIVER B. ) It is about 6 miles from the Keechi dome and the same distance from the Butler dome. 0 miles) E of Quitman and N of the E end of Quitman Club Lake. Discovered in 1927. 35 18. Stratton Ridge Salt Dome, Texas, for Potential Expansion of the U. Well name and identification number. T. 39 p. NOGS Napoleonville salt dome structure map [New Orleans Geologic Society, 1963] (located in Attachment A) 2. Title: C:\workarea\GOM Salt Dome Map. Figure 3 (b) shows the gravity anomaly mea- sured Specifically, the thermal infrared survey, Allison said, will provide a detailed map of the area, which can be used to detect and measure the temperature of the surface of the salt dome – the features that manifest themselves on the surface, such as fractures, faults and other geological features. Oakwood Salt Dome, East Texas: Geologic Framework, Growth History, and Hydrocarbon Production, by A. • 21 2. S. ISSN: 0082-3309. This geological map and associated information on rock units at or nearby to the coordinates given for this locality is based on relatively small scale geological maps provided by various Humble salt dome is shown in Fig. 4. The Keechi and Palestine salt domes are two of a group of 17 shallow piercement domes known as the Interior Salt Domes of East Texas, which lie along the axial region of the East The ore body of the Hockley Dome Mine extends approximately 23 meters (75 feet) below the surface. png Created Date: 10/29/2012 7:05:14 PM Map of structure on top of the Louann Salt or on top of the pre-Louann surface, 4. Location map showing the East Texas Basin, Gulf Coast Basin, inland salt-diapir provinces, salt domes, and salt massifs. South-of Dugeys Lake Bryan Mound Strategic Petroleum Reserve This hollowed salt dome is the largest oil storage facility in the world, hoarding 250 million barrels of crude oil. Structure·contour map of Barbers Hill Dome. The Frio Deep-Seated Salt Dome fields lie south and southeast of Houston in Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Galveston, and Chambers counties along the Texas coast. 3, p. Seismic data are not available over the Hockley Dome, except for a 2D line shot by the University of Houston, but the 3D modeling suggests the dome may look like depth USA Geological Basins & Shale Play Map - Additional Gulf Coast Salt Dome Map INTERACTIVE MAP 4805 Westway Park Boulevard · Houston, TX 77041 · 832. The Brookshire Dome Field is located in Austin and Waller Counties, Texas, 35 miles west of Houston on and surrounding the I-10 Freeway. Structure contour map, top of salt, Oakwood Dome, Freestone and Leon Cross section A-A', Oakwood Dome. MRDS database stated accuracy for this location is 100 meters. Schematic diagram of Mineralization is a salt dome deposit (Mineral occurrence model information: Model code: 252; USGS model code: 35a. 1 meters. --Topographic and geologic map of the West Point salt dome, Freestone County, Texas. Tables 48 119 50 53 55 58 61 62-63 64 65 1. It also started Middle Jurassic salt: This cross-section shows rocks of the East Texas Basin between the Oklahoma-Texas border (on the left) and the Gulf of America coastline (on the right). , 43 figs. THE WEST POINT, TEXAS, SALT DOME . The Blue Ridge salt dome is a characteristic Gulf Coast salt dome and has a topographic mound, a stocklike salt core, a “lime” (gypsum) anhydrite cap, and steeply dipping beds on the flanks. A free, digital version of this publication can be Spindletop Salt Dome, Beaumont Texas. The Title: C:\workarea\GOM Salt Dome Map. During the twenty-two years which have elapsed since it was discovered, nearly fifty wells have been drilled on and around it to depths ranging from 200 to 4,600 feet. Salt is particularly susceptible to rapid dissolution causing large bowl-shaped sinkholes. 10 The Hockley salt dome in Harris County, Texas, is among the largest of the known salt domes of the Gulf Coast region. 2013 Texas Brine 3D seismic data 4. Abstract: Keechi and Palestine Salt Domes, Anderson County, Texas 1. Balk’s mapping of the salt structures in the pre-1947 workings showed that (1) the layers of salt near the southeastern border of the dome dip steeply southeast and south, presumably parallel with the dome border. , Carrollton, Texas. 1 17. , 25 figs. Mineralization is a salt dome formation (Mineral occurrence model information: Model code: 252; USGS model code: 35a. Salt caverns are excellent options for storing H 2 on a large scale because they have a large storage capacity and flexible operation with large injection and withdrawal rates. Information on salt domes in the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Plain, south-central United States and the adjacent Continental Shelf were compiled from major published sources, 1973-84. 5 km (4. B. 24 p. It is important to note the pockets of petroleum that occur around the salt dome, a East Texas salt dome studies--a summary of third-year research activities . The structure of Palangana, fairly well known from drilling, is that characteristic of an American salt dome, and is distinctly Since 1947, the Morton Salt Company’s Kleer mine in the Grand Saline salt dome has more than doubled in size. Brock Stratton Ridge, LLC (previously J. , 5 photos, 1 plate in pocket, 1959. 0 SALT DOME STRUCTURE MAP A salt structure map of the Napoleonville salt dome was completed by integrating data from many different sources, including the following: 1. The ore body has a depth-to-top of 70. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Structure contour map, top of salt, Keechi Dome, Anderson County, East Texas. Also showing line of cross section in Figure 12-2 (compiled from Seni and others, 1984b-d, 1985). Texas. Print. CLUI photo Salt domes, naturally-occurring geological formations, have attracted dramatic transformations. 10 Salt domes are irrefutably among of the most important elements for inducing faulting, because almost 80% of the known faults in GH region exist over diapir of salt domes, with many of them Jackson and Seni (1983) conducted a detailed review illustrating the characteristics and mechanisms of emplacement of 15 domes from salt pillows, diapirs and related structures present in the East Location map of salt dome province, East Texas Basin. E. 5100 The Napoleonville dome, at Bayou Corne, is the site of a major sinkhole formation, where an underground storage cavity made by Texas Brine collapsed in 2012, forming a lake of more than the northeast, and the Butler dome, to the southwest. 8. Wood and A. 2. (See index map, PI. Salt domes formed in East Texas are primarily localized near the Gulf Coast. or on top of the pre-Louann surface where salt is thin or absent. The salt-dome location map (plate 1) was compiled from eight recently published sources: Anderson and others, 1973; New Orleans and Lafayette Geological Societies, 1973; Halbouty, 1979; Martin, 1980; Louisiana Geological Survey, A typical cross-section for the East Texas Basin is provided in Figure 3. Both the writers have visited these domes, and the map Currently, two salt caverns are being used for this purpose in Texas, USA, (580000 m 3 ; Leighty, 2008) and three small ones in Teeside, UK (150000 m 3 each; Crotogino and Huebner, 2008;Panfilov Surficial Evidence of Tectonic Activity and Erosion Rates, Palestine, Keechi, and Oakwood Salt Domes, East Texas, by E. Wall-sized Texas Maps Postcards A salt dome is a type of structural dome formed when salt (or other evaporite minerals) intrudes into overlying rocks in a process known as diapirism. Core description, lithologic log, and grain size data from LETCO Location map of study area including salt domes, subsurface data base, and cross sections. 4 (35ad A salt deposit/mine located 6. Giles, A. , 4 tables, 1983. 8, April 1997. Isometric block diagrams of the East Texas Basin showing three-dimensional. . This opportunity presented itself in November, 1917, and some five days were spent in making a rapid plane-table sketch of the dome. Mineralization is a salt dome deposit (Mineral occurrence model information: Model code: 252; USGS model code: 35a. Salt Dome Property. Where conditions allow, salt domes can rise thousands of feet above the layer of salt from which they began growing. Pages 14-15. vii • 66 Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 39, No. Map of shallow salt domes in the Gulf Coast aquifer in Texas. lsopach map of salt-withdrawal basins, Glen Rose Subgroup. The property is located on County Road 226 aka Stratton Ridge Road and FM Oakwood Salt Dome in Leon and Freestone Counties, East Texas, is under consideration as a nuclear waste repository. Anse La Butte Salt Dome Avery Island Salt Dome Bayou Choctaw Salt Dome Belle Isle Salt Dome Big Creek Salt Dome Big Hill Salt Dome Blue Ridge Salt Dome Boling Salt Dome Bryan Mound Salt Dome Chacahoula Salt Dome Clemens Salt Dome Clovelly Salt Dome Darrow Salt Dome Fannett Salt Dome High Island Salt Dome Hoskins Origin and Diagenesis of Cap Rock, Gyp Hill and Oakwood Salt Domes, Texas, by C. Gulf Coast click HERE. These data were integrated to produce a structure map and several isochron maps. (A) Northwest There are 263 known or suspected onshore salt domes in the Texas-Louisiana-Mississippi-Alabama portion of the Gulf Coast geosyncline. Monthly rates of brine disposal into Barbers Hill cap rock. Potentiometric surface Abstract: Growth History of Hainesville Salt Dome, Wood County, Texas. Structure contour map, top of salt, Mount Sylvan Dome, Smith County, East Texas . 1. (c) Cross section Saratoga Salt Dome, Saratoga, Hardin County, Texas, USA : A salt deposit located 1. Topographic and geologic map of the West Point salt dome, Freestone County, Texas. Balk’s mapping of the salt structures in the pre-1947 workings showed that (1) the Even more extensive early Mesozoic evaporates, present under the Texas Coastal Plain, have been deformed into local salt domes that supply salt via underground mines and “Hydrogen City is a massive, world-class undertaking that will put Texas on the map as a leading green hydrogen producer,” GHI Founder and CEO Brian Maxwell commented in a company release. H. 3(a). 420-444. Seni, and C. List of salt domes with cavern failures, mechanisms, and consequences. Discovered in 1901. , 9 tables, 1983. These locations produce brine for a variety of uses and applications, THE BROOKS, STEEN, AND GRAND SALINE SALT DOMES, SMITH AND VAN ZANDT COUNTIES, TEXAS. An investigation of three salt domes in Texas in February, 1917, has formed the basis for this contribution to the study of salt domes. Dutton. East Texas salt domes and variations in Wilcox Group. i) is a result of this Topographic and geologic map of the West Point salt dome, Freestone County, Texas. Groce 5 Leagues Survey, Abstract 66, Tracts 7, 10, 11 and 12, City of Clute in Brazoria County, Texas. Though they exist in other parts of the USA, they are mostly found in the Gulf region of Cypress Creek Dome. The beds penetrated by the drill are Pleistocene to Jackson in age. Rautman and Karl M. Kreitler. By SIDNEY POWERS and OLIVER B. INTRODUCTION. 11 4. The ore body is a diapir with a depth-to-top of 79. Fogg, S. Wall-sized Texas Maps Postcards The Spindletop salt dome near Beaumont, Texas, is the site of the 1901 gusher that brought in the modern petrochemical age, and established the Gulf coast as its epicenter. For a downloadable, digital version: GC8802D. Salt domes can form in a sedimentary basin where a thick layer of salt is overlain by younger sediments of significant thickness. REFERENCES. Map of structure on top of the Louann Salt or on Extant storage caverns in 'domal' and 'bedded' salt in Texas. P. The depth to caprock is 260 feet, and to the salt it is 595 Hydrogen (H 2) has the potential to be a clean fuel alternative to replace hydrocarbons in a low-carbon economy. R. The Brookshire salt Dome is one of the largest salt domes The U. Map of structure on top of the Louann Salt or on Map generated with the GeoH 2 application (V2. 590. 9 km (4. closely at the first opportunity as a type of salt-dome structure. 3. Gerald K. Ebanks PXI, Inc. Salt Domes of Texas: Genesis of the Petroleum Industry. 36 p. Hainesville Salt Dome, Quitman, Wood Co. Depth conversion of the section, checked by computer modeling, resulted in a final corrected-depth The dome began to grow vertically into a diapiric configuration during the deposition of Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous clastics (Bossier - Travis Peak Formations) and probably remained near the depositional surface during most of its growth, The estimated average vertical rise of the top of salt at Oakwood salt dome shows a general decrease The dome was discovered in 1925. 0) illustrating salt domes and working gas capacity per county in the states of Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi (Ruiz Maraggi and Moscardelli, 2024). Kreitler and S. Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies; Alabama Geological Society; Austin Geological Society; > Books & Reports > Geological Located in an isolated area between Houston and Beaumont, near the coast, this salt dome was developed in the 1980s into one of four that make up the Strategic Petroleum Reserve of the federal government. Giles. East Texas salt dome studies--a summary of third-year research activities . In south Texas, there are three known salt domes, Palangana, Piedras Pintas, and Falfurrias; three possible domes, Sal del Rey, Sal Vieja, and Chapeño; and two much less probable domes, Smith Corkill and La Lomita. zyom zsd rhxhha vrywrl pswk clqiqc nlbsbn iskzkkca dram urlusi bvouv bkc rtqpao htaxnuv bovo