Rural carrier tips and tricks Soon enough, I’ll have to take a chance and be put on a What are qualifications for PTF. I'm currently a new rca non career, my clerk was telling me that you can apply for career jobs on e-reassign on liteblue under apps, I tried and it says credentials invalid. 25 mpg on the route. 1K members. I’ve just been offered the RURAL CARR ASSOC/SRV REG RTE. USPS Rural Carriers for the 14K members. For example, the PM tells all the carriers we have to be back and off the clock by say 5:00p; HOWEVER, even though I’m I had my orientation last Monday and I still haven't even received the email to set up liteblue. Tips for getting into the flow or making it easier? New RCA Rural Mail Carrier Tips & Tricks | I carried mail for the first time yesterday and it was a disaster New RCA Rural Mail Carrier Tips & Tricks | When you start as an RCA, how ca Oct 31, 2016 - Rural carrier tip guide: This guide includes tips and tricks from carriers across the country. Join group Have a question ask!! Answer the questions. . USPS Leaders - EAS and 204B 1. Pack your mail different ways until you find what works best for you. Do days worked filling in at other offices count towards the 90 days, or does it have to be at my regular office? (I couldn't find it in the contract) Is there any Verbiage that states an RCA can’t have another job outside the postal service SOLD!! 2002 RHD Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo $8000. I know a route, Im the only rca in my office and they told me today that they wanna be on good terms with a rca from another office so they are giving him the route I know. What's the difference from a Assistant Rural Carrier and a Rural Carrier Assoc / SVR REG RTE? Also is there a pay difference? My method of marking parcels. 4K members. many carriers from the surrounding offices quit or call in alot. Used 7 years on a 40K route and it was perfect for it. About Have a question ask!! Answer the questions. About this group. I case everything except advo and I leave the I had some time so I thought I would tell you what I've learned as an RCA in the USPS from some of the fastest rural carriers I've met. I was wondering if there New RCA Rural Mail Carrier Tips & Tricks | Yall better leave these people s New RCA Rural Mail Carrier Tips & Tricks - Facebook New RCA Rural Mail Carrier Tips & Tricks I'm still in my 90 day RCA probation. So I'm constantly being called out to New RCA Rural Mail Carrier Tips & Tricks | I'm an RCA for 60 days, I'm doing really good according to my supervisor and other regulars. Mark packages, or write a list, use package lookaheadwhich ever works best Taking another shot at this topic. please excuse me if this question sounds dumb, but I’m about to become regular on a route that I wanted and I’m very excited. You will have to complete your 90-day probationary period to be eligible for the incentive. Name on paystub. more. The scheduled X day must be within the next twelve (12) weeks. Do we have to ask to have weight added to them for the winter months, they simply suck in snow and on ice. Media Regular rural carriers on the relief day work list who work the relief day will select one of the following options: 1. try to line up best I can but its still an issue finding them since I normally have at least 5 tubs . Note, all photos are from public domain. Hi everyone! I’ve been working at the post office as a rural carrier sub for 2 years and I don’t have my own route yet. If I'm doing a 6 day Aux . Media Any suggestion on how to get out of the office quicker? Casing ? Big packages ? How to sort things Hi, I am new to this group and only just hired as a Rural Carrier. Let me know in the comments if you find anything useful. Rural Carrier or sub, office and year hired. But I just found out yesterday that I’m pregnant. Anyone can see who's in the group and what they post. My supervisor (who spent 12 years as a rural carrier) was witness to my first one and gave me the best advice: Its just little pieces of paper going into boxes. 6. I would love to get some feedback and hear your tips too! Find little tricks that help you. My homemade shelf rural carrying at its finest Welcome back! I'm giving tips for rural carriers. That is the whole route. Just had my 1st observation done. Theres only one full route and an auxiliary route in our office so me and one long time rca (who My office has decided we are “on call”. It’s my scheduled day off today and I’m getting texts and Don’t burn out. I am currently an RCA assigned to an Aux route and am I have a question. About New RCA have some questions. So about how many hours does the RCA get during a week?? During the regular work, not during Christmas?? If you're assigned to a tiny office with only 2 or 3 employees, would you expect to get ,20 Explain primary routes and having a hold down! If you have a primary route you’re the only one that can be scheduled on it right ? Unless you request leave? I am a RCA. RCA's ONLY. About New RCA Rural Mail Carrier Tips & Tricks. An X day to be immediately scheduled by mutual agreement between the carrier and the Employer. 1 owner. I'm taking y'all on my route and chit chat. I got in trouble for my casing because I had magazines and mailboxes size packages on top of Suggestions on the small packages? I mark amd. We recently had an Amazon distribution center open which has drastically reduced our package deliveries by almost 60%. My other office I transferred from didn’t do this. I am struggling big time with getting back before my designated time. Postal Service will cut workforce by 10,000 after signing deal with Elon Musk’s DOGE Does anyone know of any reputable places to get the full right-hand conversion done near Mississippi? What does everyone drive? I’m looking to buy a RHD vehicle. Hints, tips and the cheat sheet for beginners, I need rural carrier input. Dec 17, 2024 Have a question ask!! Answer the questions. Step 1: case DPS so she knows the mail is in the correct Regular rural carriers on the relief day work list who work the relief day will select one of the following options: 1. Join group. About I'm an RCA for 60 days, I'm doing really good according to my supervisor and other regulars. Hi you guys!! So I’m making this post for my mom- she’s having a very hard time with her route. I showed my relief carriers exactly how I do mine to make it easier. Every time they change it to a way they can work it. My PM told me that I'm not allowed to take any time off, not even a Give me your best tips and tricks to learning new routes? Log in. It New RCA Rural Mail Carrier Tips & Tricks | Any word on the buy back plan. Shine for a while. They didn't stick, just New RCA Rural Mail Carrier Tips & Tricks. Join. I’ve been seeing tons of jeeps but not a lot of Hondas and such. But give yourself breaks. I feel Have a question ask!! Answer the questions. If I want the route, should I transfer to that office and risk just being an RCA there or wait A Place for new RCA's to learn tips and tricks to help them excel! Any tips, tricks or advice for him starting this journey would be very much appreciated! He is worried is body won't hold up and be able to take the physical demands of this job. Telling me I need to be back at the office by a certain time Merry Christmas everyone! Just a quick question, I have orientation on December 30, will there be something I'll be scheduled for on new Year's Eve? Here to give tips and tricks to new RCAs. Have a question ask!! Answer the questions. Group created on How to set up your POV (privately owned vehicle) with mail and packages as a rural carrier for the postal service. Every time they change it to a way they can work it. 00 I bought this Jeep back in December and decided this is not the job for me. Private group · 11. I am trying to decide whether I should buy a used RHD vehicle/ conversion or to get my personal vehicle converted. I've been delivering mail for over 12 year Have a question ask!! Answer the questions. I have a 2014 Kia So Im in my 30 days and the regular I’m training with is rushing me every day and trying to make me do things different ways every day . Shes new, tell her to take some deep breaths and know we are rooting for her. I work full time in dental but I am so burnt out and Get $1000 or $500. Create a cheat Conversion kit recommendations?! I’ve got a baby brewing and straddling won’t last much longer. It’s my first pregnancy. About I’ve been an RCA for 8 months, I’ve never taken a day off since I started. New RCA Rural Mail Carrier Tips & Tricks | Most days I have MORE packages t Public group 13K Members 2016 Chevy Trax RHD Montgomery AL. Is it not? Just had my 1st observation done. You will have to make intent known prior to purchase by completing the notice of intent to purchase You will have 10 working days from the receipt of the notice of intent to purchase You will then have 60 days from the date of notification by you to purchase New RCA Rural Mail Carrier Tips & Tricks | NO MATTER YOUR CRAFT. I bid on a route and was really wanting it. 5K members. Sooooo, I’m having a problem with something and I’m not sure how to handle it. How do I apply for a Question: So, I just took a route in my small office and become a regular carrier on Saturday after being an rca for 3 years. #usps #uspsruralcarrierlife #uspsrca #uspsruralcarrier #rca #rur Does anyone use a flip window in their vehicle for delivery? If so please PM me I have questions. Public group We are mail carriers first! This job sucks! Log in. I just have some general questions, which might not have definite answers, but here we go What exactly does it mean to be a RCA sub? How long do you train per route? When do you go out on your I really felt disappointed today. USPS COMMUNITY. I knew things like this happens but How can I read that? Little confused What are rural actual hours, work hours and postal vehicle? Thank you Im currently an rca about to go full-time Regular. About What is the difference between the carrier pickup and prepaid acceptance commands in the scanner? The route has GOV but was being used by another carrier since hers didn't turn on today? Thanks in advance ☺️ New RCA Rural Mail Carrier Tips & Tricks | How do RCAs get paid for working second trip on another route, using POV | Facebook New RCA Rural Mail Carrier Tips & Tricks. Are we required to work Sundays? Pros and cons of using POV for Aux route? I hit 90 days Monday, and I get to hold down the route. They've shorted me over 40 total hours from my last two paychecks combined. Compensation at 50% of the carrier’s daily rate of pay, in addition I need tips and tricks on how to be faster casing please and thank you. Shes new What magnets or other rural carrier markings do y'all use on your POV? I tried putting magnets on my Jeep that my office had. Rural Carrier Helpful Tips And Advice. Tips for a new struggling rural carrier . About I need some advice. See attached. However, my PM took the vehicle I have been using now. An X day to be immediately scheduled by Here are my tips for getting faster on a mail route. can they mandate me for Amazon Sunday? How do I take time off before time off accrued? (Not When you become ptf do you get more annual leave than being a rca ? Also how much you make a hour I have a question. I was loaned to another post office, and today I had to call out for the first Hello Can someone explain to me, what work hours and what rural actual hours mean!? Thank you New to the rural side but was a cca for 6 months. Music Credit: Venice by Rycha New RCA here. I am mostly asking what I Here are my tips for getting faster on a mail route. I would love to get some feedback and hear your tips too! Is it true that when you become regular rural carrier your pay rate goes up to $25 per hour? I have been an RCA for about two months and I haven't had much feedback on how I'm doing and I'm getting closer and closer to my 90 days, am I doing good Taking another shot at this topic. I called the 800 number and it says it will be mailed. I have not taken the next steps other than accepting the position. So Cheat Sheet explained. 7K members. What type of auto insurance do I need to carry? Do I have to have New to this group. Postal unions respond to USPS/DOGE agreement; Updated Rural Carrier Salary Charts – Effective March 9th, 2024; U. Help learn your case, and mark packages. 2. And found out someone else out bid me. Is it worth it? Or can I join at any I started off super slow so I stole tips and tricks from everyone in the office and combined them into my tried and true method. Most of our routes are mailrooms (walls of CBUs). 4. Texas/Oklahoma /Louisiana Righ 7. I would still be driving it today if we did not become an Amazon office. I’m supposed to start my rural carrier rca next week and I just bought a car. I tried to tell them I wasn't coming to work since they haven't paid me and tomorrow is my 3rd paycheck I had some time so I thought I would tell you what I've learned as an RCA in the USPS from some of the fastest rural carriers I've met. The absolute first thing I need to know about is how best to sit in the truck, how to stretch and how to have some form Thoughts on joining the Union? I'm at academy now for RCA and they are going to be bringing up joining on Friday. New RCA Rural Mail Carrier Tips & Tricks | Give me your best tips and trick Public group 13K Members. Anyone can find this group. One RCA used As an RCA in a non Amazon office. History. I've posted this many times, so now I'm just going to pin it to the top. All credit for photos to USPS public website. Even with load truck it's difficult. Visible. She will get her rhythm down and learn tricks that will help her. I have some questions about the metris. I got in trouble for my casing because I had magazines and mailboxes size packages on top of I thought hotel was supposed to be paid for by the USPS when attending carrier academy. A regular has retired in a nearby office. S. Covered my casing, pulling down, my driving and attendance all in 1 day. Please Anonymous participant New RCA Rural Mail Carrier Tips & Tricks. A Place for new RCA's to learn tips and tricks to help them excel! Public.
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