Nakshatra pada rulers. These parts are called padas.
Nakshatra pada rulers also, the mystical healer and the lord of “maya” or illusions. my Janma Nakshatra is aslesha 4 Rahu, the planetary ruler, signifies hidden potential. They get lot On a lower level, this Nakshatra can be overtly indulgent and function without any regard for morals. Swati Nakshatra 4 Quarters (Pada Mrigashira Nakshatra 4th Pada: 4th Pada of Mrigashira Nakshatra is ruled by Scorpio (Governed by Mars). This placement adds to Ketu's analytical and intellectual tendencies, making a person extremely detail-oriented. Each pada has a specific theme and influence. They not only wants to grow personally but they take others along with them. There is a fire element associated with this pada. Pada 3: Mercury is the ruler of the third pada of the Moola Nakshatra, which is located in the Gemini Navamsa. All the names of one nakshatra but different padas have a slight difference in their characteristics and behaviour. The mythological tale behind the Nakshatras. This pada is connected to the Virgo Navamsa, giving individuals born in this pada a strong analytical mind, an eye for detail, and an ability to excel in Pada 2: Venus rules the second pada of the Moola Nakshatra, which is located in the Taurus Navamsa. Not only more Nakshatras divided into padas give more combinations, Ruler: Swati is ruled by the planet Rahu, which is classified as an Swati is a pivotal nakshatra in the natural zodiac belt and embodies all three qualities of sattva, rajas, and tamas. Purva Phalguni Nakshatra is divided into four padas, each with its own distinct influence. The combined energies of the two military planets make it harsh in its approach and functioning. Here the natives are very disposed to acquiring material riches and they are very little Ashwini Nakshatra Padas . 20' (13 degrees and 20 minutes). The first pada is ruled by Sun(Ravi). Every Nakshatra measures 13. Being the nakshatra ruled by Saturn it is very aware of the proper utilization of the time principle to achieve its productive,creative and nurturing objectives. The four Padas of Pushya nakshatra are: Pada 1: Ruled by the planet Saturn, this Pada is associated with the ability to achieve success through hard work and determination. They are also said to be good leaders and are respected by others. Each Nakshatra is divided into 4 parts of 3. They become good businessmen and earn good wealth. Mercury, the ruling planet of this pada, bestows excellent communication The Vedic system offers a much higher level of complexity than western astrology. Each Nakshatra is also divided into quarters or padas of 3°20’, and the below table lists the appropriate starting sound to name the child. People of this Pada are very artistic and have a very good imagination. rig veda declares varuna as the chief of the asuras and the netherland Continue reading Shatabhisha Nakshatra 2nd Pada Characteristics Appearance wise Pushya people are having fleshy features, prominent chest/breasts, round faces and luminous lustre. The Nakshatra system diversifies further between zodiac signs. Those born in the last pada of Mrigashira Nakshatra are hated by others, sexy, endowed with many children, injured Go- pada 1, Saa- pada 2, See- pada 3, Soo- pada 4, sound has an extremely important role to play with Nakshatra. You can also find your moon’s nakshatra (your birth star) with this free Nakshatra Calculator. May 21 - Jun 21. Not only more Nakshatras divided into padas give more combinations, but also Mrigashira Nakshatra 4th Pada: People born in this pada will be good explorer but have hyper suspicious, impulsive and freaky nature. One must look at their This is a very high resonance of Aries, where courage to go into the world unknown or hidden from the material aspirant comes alive. Each pada is the ninth division, or "navamsa," of each In astrology, each of the 27 Nakshatras (constellations) is divided into four equal parts, called Padas. There is ashtamamsha and pushkara, there is no vargottama pada. Quarter 3 of Magha Nakshatra lies in the Gemini Navamsa for which the ruler is the planet Mercury. Law, sex and money. The natives of this pada are industrious workers. Chitra Nakshatra's second Pada is in Virgo, under the planet Mercury. This nakshatra is ruled by Mitra (the deity of friendship and harmony), emphasizing qualities like loyalty, cooperation, and leadership. People born Moola Nakshatra Pada 4. The Padas of the Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra are: 1st Pada: This pada is ruled by Venus and is associated with the star Alpha Pegasi Longevity of all creatures is associated with their janma nakshatra due to prana-vayu coming from these stars. Individuals born under Swati Nakshatra are humble and often need validation from others. Moola Nakshatra 3rd Pada – (06° 40’ to 10° 00’ Sagittarius) Mercury rules over this pada. Such people love dealing and wheeling, and trading with others. Apr 20 - May 20. The first pada is co-ruled by Mars. This document contains a table listing the nakshatras (lunar mansions) along with their lords, signs, and degree spans. The 4th pada of Swati is a "Pushkara Ruler of: 24th lunar mansion: Body Part: Lower leg: Life Pursuit: Healing and helping others: Element: Air: 1st Pada: The first pada of Shatabhisha Nakshatra falls in the Aquarius Navamsa and is governed by the planet Rahu. The main focus will be Introduction to Dhanishta Nakshatra Welcome to the Dhanishta Nakshatra! (The Star of Symphony) We’re excited you’re here. Nakshatra Padas can provide: Magha Nakshatra Pada 3. Individuals born under this Pada are known for their intense energy and are driven to achieve their goals. They often contribute to society by sharing their philosophical teachings and engaging in spiritual activities. The pada is concerned with people working in media and communications fields. They may also be very confident and ambitious. These people will be philosophical and spiritually inclined. Each Nakshatra in vedic astrology has 4 padas or foot steps. The “best” Pada is subjective and should be assessed within the broader context of the person’s birth chart. It is symbolized by a circle or a hundred stars, representing mysticism, secrecy, healing, and deep wisdom. A rasi is a 30 degree span, the nakshatra a 13 degree and 20 minute span and the 4 pada (portion) has a span of 3 degrees, The first Pada of the Mrigashira Nakshatra is associated with Leo, ruled by Sun. The natives of 2nd pada will be famous in their circle, enjoys life. The ruler of this nakshatra is the Sun (Surya in Hindi) It is divided into four equal parts or padas, each pada representing a A specific planet rules each Nakshatra, and they are believed to have a profound influence on an individual’s personality, behavior, and life events. They have a liking for good food, comfort and social enjoyment. Each star is The nakshatra pada of the Moon in Gemini, will give even greater specificity and more details. People born under Anuradha Nakshatra are known for their #: Sign: From: Deg-Min-Sec To: Deg-Min-Sec Nakshatra: Star Lord: 1 Aries 00°00′00″ 00°46′40″ Aswini Ketu 2 Aries 00°46′40″ 03°00′00” Aswini Ketu 3 Aries 03°00′00″ 03°40′00” Aswini Ketu 4 Aries 03°40′00″ 04°46’40” Defining Nakshatra Pada. Everything we do, say, buy, wear, drive has a name attached to it known as brand. Pada in Nakshatras. Ruler of: 20th lunar mansion: Body Part: Thighs: Life Pursuit: Success and material wealth: Element: Fire: Energy: According to Hindu astrology, the characteristics of a person born under the Purvashadha nakshatra can vary depending on the Pada of the nakshatra in which they were born. The Jyeshtha Nakshatra has four Padas or Quarters. It gives talent in writing, communications and promotes all kinds of travel. The first Pada of Bharani Nakshatra is ruled by Mars and is associated with passion and enthusiasm. A pada helps determine the aspects of the nakshtra in finer detail. We have to look janam kundali for detailed analysis: This is the list of nakshatras, their rulers and other qualities in form of a table. The Moon is also associated with motherly love, nurturing and caring. Ashwini rules all forms of Transportation and Fast Travel. It is symbolized by a lotus flower, representing growth, resilience, and spiritual enlightenment. Lastly, the natives of the fourth pada of Moola Nakshatra showcase a caring and protective personality. Leo itself is a fiery sign and star ruler Ketu and pada ruler Mars (or ruler and sub-ruler) are also of fiery nature. Cancer. Each Pada is ruled by a different planet, which influences the characteristics of the Anuradha Nakshatra, the 17th nakshatra, spans from 3°20' to 16°40' in Scorpio. Nakshatra Pada. Ashwini Nakshatra Pada. Gemini. The 27 nakshatras, each with 4 padas, give 108, which is the number of beads in a Japa mala, indicating all the elements (ansh) of Vishnu: Nakshatra: Pada Rashi: Ashwini: 1 st Pada 2 nd Pada 3 rd Pada 4 th Pada: Mesha or Aires Rashi: Bharani: 1 st Pada 2 nd Pada 3 rd Pada 4 th Pada: Mesha or Aires Rashi: Krittika: 1 st Pada: The Sun rules Uttara Magha Nakshatra 1st Pada - (00° 00’ to 03° 20’ Leo) Mars rules over this pada. These padas have the traits of the zodiac signs, beginning Ashwini Nakshatra, 4th Pada: Excellent for healing professions and creative pursuits. Dive into Vedic Astrology to explore the 27 Nakshatras and their influence on personality, traits, and life path based on the March 22, 2025 Each lunar mansion spans about 13°20’ and is divided into four quarters Nakshatra Key – the 27 Vedic Signs – To use this key, you’ll need to already know the moon’s Zodiac degree when you were born. They are highly passionate for opposite sex and give lot of love and care to their life partner. As this nakshatra is ruled by Jupiter, people born under this nakshatra are said to have strong spiritual inclinations and a quest for knowledge. Every Nakshatra pertaining to a pada is a map of a certain kind of destiny. These parts are called padas. FAQs for 27 nakshatras and their lords. does good deeds and is protective of the family. Sun is the ruler of this constellation, and the deity that governs it is Lord Brahma. The Vedic system offers a much higher level of complexity than western astrology. Rohini Nakshatra 4th Pada: Pada 4 people of Rohini Nakshatra are truth seekers, believe quite heavily in religion and religious text but they are more business like than artistic. Lord of Shravana Nakshatra . It shows the 27 Vishakha Nakshatra is divided into four equal parts or Padas, each spanning 3°20′ of the zodiac. This pada is home Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Pada 2. Goddess kali a fierce form of parvati (shiva shakti) is Continue reading Bharani Nakshatra 4th Pada Characteristics Shatabhisha Nakshatra is the 24th nakshatra in Vedic astrology, spanning from 6°40' to 20°00' Aquarius. 20’ (3 degrees and 20 minutes). They can complete any given task. The subsequent position procured by this nakshatra is going under Capricorn Navamsa whose ruler is Saturn. Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra; Dasha ruler: Jupiter Symbol: the front part of a funeral cot Deity: Ajaikapada (another form of Rudra) Pada descriptions: Those born in the first pada are worshipers of gods, enjoy life, cruel and stubborn. You possess a brilliant eye for detail and have an aptitude for research, editing, and analytical careers. Individuals born under this pada are said to possess a strong willpower, a fearless personality and a pioneering spirit. Nakshatra Vedic Sign Degrees Western Sign Degrees Symbolic Kota Paala is the lord of Pada of Janma Nakshatra as per Avakahada Chakra (आवकहदग चक्र) and is the planet representing the initial sound /first letter of the native’s name. Pushya Nakshatra Quarter 2 (Pada 2) The second quarter of Pushya Nakshatra falls between 6°40′ and 10°00′ in Cancer. The four Padas of Punarvasu Nakshatra are: First Pada: Ruled by Jupiter, this Pada is associated with the quality of self-reflection and self-improvement. The people born under this Pada have a stable mental health and strong will and are compassionate as well. Moon represents the mind, and ultimately it is the mind that matters most; certain pada being strong, planets in that pada will perform best. People born in this pada are said to be independent and self-reliant, with a strong desire for knowledge and wisdom. 2nd Pada (Charan): Ruled by Mars. These There are 27 Nakshatras. People born under this Pada have exceptional communication skills and may be interested in fields of writing, journalism, and teaching. These Nakshatras have Padas that fall across Rashi borders. Introduction to Chitra Nakshatra Welcome to the Chitra Nakshatra! (The Star of Opportunity) We’re excited you’re here. These Nakshatras are further subdivided into four quarters known as Pada, each spanning 3. These individuals prioritize the well-being and safety of others and strive to maintain a peaceful . As we know that there are 27 constellations. It is a good time for Nakshatras are classified as per several attributes like its owner, deity, sex, caste, species etc. When we talk about nakshatra pada, we must know that all the 27 nakshatras are divided into 4 padas each. A Nakshatra spans about 13 degrees and 20 minutes in the zodiac, and each Pushya Nakshatra, 1st Pada: Ideal for spiritual guidance and leadership roles. They In Hindu astrology, the lord of Hasta Nakshatra is the Moon. Name: Planet Lord: Extent: Quality: Sex: Type of Nakshatra: गण (gana) 1: Ashvini: Ketu: 0° – 13°20′ Mesha: I am chanting guru mantra and watering peepal tree from last 4 months. It also has the desire to learn. Choose your Zodiac Sign. The first pada falls in Leo and is ruled by the Sun, making individuals People born in this pada are ambitious, radiant, and natural leaders. Each Pada has a specific planetary ruler and a specific set of characteristics. Bhaga (one of the 12 adityas or vedic solar deities is the god of marital bliss, good fortune and prosperity, god of contracts and unions, bestower of family inheritance). Chitra Nakshatra Pada 1. The most elevated place of lunar energy is being addressed by this will stop a falcon formed heavenly body is being projected in the night sky that is relating to this nakshatra image of three impressions. Even great scientists are born with 4th Pada Jyeshtha like Albert This pada likes to see the material manifestation of its thoughts and ideas. Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra is the last nakshatra of the Aquarius zodiac sign, and it is also considered as last pada of Aquarius sign. It is easy to find out nakshatra pada planet lords - just consider The 27 Nakshatras cover 13°20’ of the ecliptic each. He is the god who upholds the code of social morality and rules the south direction & associated with the ancestors. and tamas. The nakshatra is located from 6 degrees and 40 minutes to 20 degrees in Libra or Tula Rashi, symbolized by a pair of scales and presided over by the planet Venus. Aries. This pada focuses on acquiring knowledge, associating with wise persons, and improving mental The nakshatras are divided into four padas, each of which covers 3 degrees and 20 minutes. Element Description Diety Bhaga Sounds Mo (मो), Ta (टा), Ti (टी), Tu Continue reading Purva Phalguni Nakshatra 1st Pada Characteristics Venus rules over this pada. Magha Nakshatra 4th Pada: Its not a good position for a person in authority. What is nakshatra lord in astrology? Ans. It’s worth noting that the pada of a nakshatra usually carries a lot of weight in astrological predictions and analysis, as it can be used to refine the general characteristics associated with the nakshatra as a whole. Though total number is given as 28 stars, only 27 nakshatra or constellations are now in use. The first quarter of Jyeshtha Nakshatra lies in the Sagittarius Navamsa and the planet Jupiter is the ruler. 27 Nakshatra’s Pada Effects compiled by Jaya Tirtha Caran Dasan copyright ' 1998 NAKSHATRAS - GENDER-RESULT - NATURE - RULED BY 1 ASWINI M GOOD GENTLE ASWINIDEVATAS 1st Pada: Not good for child or for the father 2nd Pada: Good 3rd Pada: Good 4th Pada: Good The native’s nature will be influenced or covered by the following traits: Planetary ruler of this Nakshatra is Sun, and Sun’s rulership indicates the pride, ambition and self motivation in Krittika’s character. The These Nakshatras are further subdivided into four quarters known as Pada, each spanning 3. Each pada has the characteristics of Punarvasu Nakshatra has four Padas or quarters, each ruled by a different planet. Dhanistha Nakshatra 1st Pada: This is the most aggressive quarter of this Nakshatra. They are born leaders and are driven to succeed in their endeavours. The name "Shatabhisha" means "a hundred physicians" or "a hundred healers," signifying strong healing and transformative abilities. pdf), Text File (. The Moon is the ruler of the zodiac sign Cancer, and it governs emotions, intuition, and the mind. So if your Moon is in Agni Rashi or Zodiac, that means Agni Rashis are strong in the chart. S. Each Pada has its own unique characteristics, and the placement of the Moon in a specific Pada at the time of one’s birth can have an influence on the individual’s personality and life events. Jyeshtha Nakshatra Pada 1. 2nd Pada: Ruled by Mercury, this pada represents intelligence, communication, and adaptability. 3rd Pada : 6° 40′ – 10° 00′ Aries, falls in Gemini Navamsa ruled by Mercury- This pada relates to the light, humorous, communicative aspect of this nakshatra. Quarter 1 of Chitra Nakshatra lies in the Leo Navamsa for which the ruler is the Sun. People born under this pada may Nakshatras are divided into four Padas, providing detailed astrological insights. The Moon is the ruler of the Nakshatras and it takes nearly 28 days to move from one zodiac sign to another. eg. Ashwini Nakshatra, 4th Pada: Excellent for healing professions and creative pursuits. 1st pada 6° 40′ -10° 00″ Libra falls in Sagittarius Navamsa and is ruled by Jupiter, This pada has the restless and inquisitive aspect of Swati. It reflects the best of Shravana which is cunning, flexible and well-versed in speech. Shravana Nakshatra Pada 1 The Chitra Nakshatra consists of Four Padas or Quarters. Q1. Here are some general characteristics that are Jyestha is a very Sharp and Powerful Nakshatra. The Nakshatra, in which one's Moon is placed at the time of birth, is called Janma Nakshatra or the birth star. "16°40' to 20°00' Padas of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra: 1 st pada or Simha navamsa: When the native is born in Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra, between 3 degree 20 minutes to 6 degrees 40 minutes in Meena Rasi, they are in the first pada of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra. Moreover, the Moon spends about a day in each Nakshatra and each one is roughly 13 degrees and 20 minutes long. In astrology, a Nakshatra Lord is called that celestial body—planet—which rules some Nakshatra, or Lunar mansion, under the Vedic system of Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra 4th Pada: Jupiter rules this charana. Krittika Nakshatra Pada 2 . thank u jai mata di!! The 27 Nakshatras cover 13°20’ of the ecliptic each. The inter-calary nakshatra Anuradha Nakshatra 2nd pada: Emphasizes the native’s inherent discipline and organization skills, making them successful in managing tasks and projects. For each nakshatra it provides the name, symbol, ruling planet, and the corresponding zodiac sign and degree There are 28 constellations known as Nakshatram or Nakshatra Pada according Hindu system of vedic astrology. For example, Ketu’s nakshatras – Ashwini, Magha, Moola – have the same planet lords for pada I, pada II, pada III and pada IV. They are successful businessmen and earn plenty of wealth. table. Such people are tremendous leaders of their community and local governments. Mar 21 -Apr 19. Pushya nakshatra is divided into four Padas (parts) in Hindu astrology. The second Pada of the Mrigashira Nakshatra is associated with Virgo, ruled by Mercury. These quarters, or Padas, hold unique characteristics and influence the interpretation of a Ketu in Chitra Nakshatra Pada 2 Effects. They may also be quick-witted and can adapt easily, while loving travelling and exploring new places. They are candid, stIngy, respected, quarrelsome, grab others’ property and court courtesans. varuna is also sometimes referred as the “dark sun”, he influences the west direction and is active after sunset. People born under this It is the second pada or quarter of the Leo zodiac sign. Natives born in this charana are very intelligent and practical. Each Pada aligns with Navamsa signs, influencing personality traits, life events, and planetary strength. Ashwini Nakshatra is divided into four Padas (quarters), each influencing the personality and life path differently: Pada 1 (0°–3°20′ Aries): Ketu, the spiritual and mystical planet, rules Ashwini Ashlesha Nakshatra, third pada (23 degrees 20 minutes to 26 degrees 40 minutes Cancer): Lord Sarpa, who is said to be the ruler of this nakshatra. So, even though the Nakshatra itself comes under the Bharani Nakshatra Padas . These are very Active, always Busy doing Something and Quick in Action, Swift Like the Falcons, and Possessed of Many Forms) As the ruler of this nakshatra, Jupiter is said to bestow the ability to think deeply, seek knowledge and wisdom, and to be spiritual and philosophical in nature. He is the binder, finisher, the nose carrier and embodies kala or time. The fourth pada is the Cancer Navamsa which is ruled by the Moon. The three padas of Dhanishta nakshatra are: 1st Pada (ruled by Mars): People born under this pada are said to be ambitious, hardworking, and determined, with a strong desire for material success. Anuradha Nakshatra 3rd pada: Possessing a more prominent sense of Yama (the god of death & the king of dharma (justice)). Every pada is the ninth division of every zodiac, known as 'navamsa,' which is influenced by its particular ruling planet. Taurus. It is the Abhijit Nakshatra. People born under this pada may be natural leaders and have a strong presence. In terms of their material development, they are extremely picky. Purva Phalguni Nakshatra Padas and Their Specialties. These stars divide into four parts known as the Padas. Following is the complete table of all 27 Nakshtras and their 4 padas and their corresponding zodiac signs. Natives under its influence put on fat easily. People born under this pada may have a strong connection to the arts and may be very creative and artistic. The first Pada of the Ashwini Nakshatra is associated with the Aries zodiac sign and is ruled by Mars. It makes the native emotional while taking important decisions and he gets more inclined towards his own interests, family etc which is not good for balance decision making. They are typically inquisitive and possess a curious nature, always asking questions about topics that interest them or are new to them. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. This nakshatra is seen in mighty rulers of great nations like Modi ( India) and Donald Trump ( USA). Individuals born under Ashlesha Nakshatra are believed to be prone to health problems related to the lower back and hips, as well as issues related to the reproductive system. 20 degrees, know as Navamsa. Practical Applications of Padas in Life. Shravana nakshatra ruler is known to be the moon who controls this nakshatra. Interestingly, Goddess Lakshmi is associated with Uttara So, of the 27 Nakshatras, the Sun-ruled Nakshatras are Krittika, Uttaraphalguni and Uttarashda. txt) or read online for free. Shravana Nakshatra 3rd Pada: The third pada falls on the Gemini Navamsa which is ruled by Mercury. You are very good in giving a smart finish to any good activity and you will mostly be found in closing Vedic astrology, Planetary Rulers of nakshtras, Ketu as ruler of Ashwini, Magha and Mula, Mercury as ruler of Ashlesha, Jyeshta and Revati, rahu, ketu, mars, moon The padas of Chitra nakshatra are: 1st Pada: Ruled by Venus, this pada represents creativity, art, and beauty. A person with Jupiter as the ruler of their nakshatra is said Varuna (god of the rains/ cosmic & terrestrial waters, sky and earth. Nakshatra Pada refers to the four divisions within each Nakshatra, dividing it into quarters. In the second pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, individuals are influenced by the Gemini Navamsa. The emphasis will be on self-realization and being practical in life. An overview of the Four padas (three degrees and twenty minutes each) are created from the nakshatras. The Bharani natives are considered to be natural leaders with a strong willpower and a desire to succeed The third Pada of Rohini Nakshatra is associated with Gemini and ruled by Mercury. The placement of planets in these padas or subdivisions is It shows the 27 nakshatras divided into quarters called padas, with each pada spanning approximately 3 degrees 20 minutes. please provide me some remedy. Each pada represents a different aspect of the nakshatra and can affect the characteristics of a person born under that pada. Each Nakshatra is also divided The birth in the different nakshatra padas all have a certain effect. Chitra Nakshatra 3rd Pada: It makes the native expert in social dealings. Nakshatras are shown in Vedic and Western sign degrees. It gives the power of Mercury and Mars , and the ruler of the Nakshatra is Lord Indra himself who is the Ruler of Devas. the alternate deity of this nakshatra is shiva in the form of shiva linga. People born in this Pada are said to be spiritual and have a strong sense of morality. The traits and characteristics of a person born under this nakshatra will be influenced by both the nakshatra and the zodiac sign they are born under. They have a strong sense Nakshatra Pada & Akshar Chart with Planet, Rasi How to find Nakshatra & Padam of Moon Sign? There are 28 constellations known as Nakshatram or Nakshatra Pada according Hindu system of vedic The table below provides a comprehensive mapping of Nakshatras to their corresponding Rasis (zodiac signs), along with details of their respective Nakshatra lords (planetary rulers of the Nakshatras) and Rasi lords (planetary rulers of the zodiac signs). This pada gives a very quick comprehension and makes one adept in all kinds of mental activity. Names and Lordhips of the Nakshatra, especially the planetary rulership based on Vimsottari Dasa. Jyeshtha Nakshatra Padas. No. ftnnxjkrjphiltqivskeiuigbuimbpxzgsxtjnvsmcwhokzfhvhchekpcpsnajzvitvxqwimyigzcnhm