Make unconfigured good. Firmware state: Unconfigured(good), Spun Up.

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Make unconfigured good. A confirmation message appears.

Make unconfigured good To select a specific JBOD drive and convert it to Unconfigured Good, highlight the drive and press the spacebar to select it. com. For details, see Logging In to the Main Screen (BIOS V658 and Later) or Logging In to the Main Screen (BIOS V363 and Earlier). 启动键盘视频监视器(KVM)并重新启动服务器。按 Ctrl - R 在屏幕上显示MegaRAID时。按 Ctrl - N 直到您加入 PD Mgmt 选项卡。导航至 F2 make-unconfigured-good ##Error: State transition not allowed as the PD is Online. Zudem ist Broadcom storcli64 - add unconfigured good disk as hotspare. Yes, please select make unconfigured good and click go. 4. First, I selected each drive and “Change to Unconfigured Good. The Success screen appears to confirm that the operation is complete. 选中 Select Operation,在下拉菜单中选择 Make Unconfigured Good . Then you can try Scan devices and import foreign configuration. A success message appears. It is possible using the GUI and the CLI. 在 Foreign View → Foreign Config 中选择 import 导入外部 RAID 配置。. MegaRAID. Once in the Drive Menu, select the newly Select the Unconfigured Bad drive. 硬盘"Unconfigured Good"状态和"JBOD"状态的相互转换也可以在"Configuration Management"界面中操作,分别有"Make Unconfigured Good"和"Make JBOD"选项,可以一次批量转换多个硬盘,操作与创建阵列时选取硬盘的步骤类似,在此不再赘述。 十、导入和清除外来阵列 From the System Utilities screen, select System Configuration > HPE Smart Array P824i-p MR Gen10 > Main Menu > Drive Management . Navigate to F2-Operations > Make Unconfigured Good > Enter as shown in the image. 选择 Previw Foreign Configuration . 7. Thanks From the System Utilities screen, select System Configuration > HPE Smart Array P824i-p MR Gen10 > Main Menu > Drive Management . 5. Unconfigured Drives, and select an unconfigured good drive. 選擇 Ellipsis 在右上方,然後 Set State > Unconfigured Good > Set 如下圖所示。 MegaRAID. 但是查看E1016的云桌面安装部署指导中没有提到。 H3C UniServer R6700 G3服务器WEB页面里面显示所有硬盘Unconfigured Good 未配置状态? 这样是不是就代表硬盘资源根本就没启用? 组网及组网描述: 在之前有阵列信息及数据的盘上做阵列,一开始需要使用Initialize Drivers。drive erase也是擦除硬盘,擦除硬件数据使用。make unconfigured bad是如果要做阵列,可以将磁盘状态改成make unconfigured good,然后再 在需要切换模式的磁盘上点击 F2 ,如果是 unconfigured bad 的磁盘,可能里面有残留的阵列信息,可以选择 Make unconfigured good 重新标记为未配置的良好磁盘,切换模式后可以用于配置阵列。 由于此磁盘已经是 unconfigured good 如果所有硬盘已设置为JBOD模式,则此处不显示“Make JBOD”选项;如果所有硬盘已设置为Unconfigured Good,则此处不显示“Make Unconfigured Good”选项。 对硬盘执行初始化或擦除等操作会删除硬盘上的数据,请谨慎执行。 3)将slot0槽位硬盘插回去之后可以看见硬盘已经处于unconfigured bad状态. Expand . Drives. WebBIOS Starten Sie den KVM, und schalten Sie den Server aus. Foreign+ Unconfigured Good (未配置+包括外部RAID信息) 这种状态下一般是由新插 In the Unconfigured Good window, ensure that the progress field has a value of Rebuild x%, where x indicates percent complete. In the Make JBOD screen, select the Unconfigured Good drive that you want to convert to JBOD. 6k次。这篇博客描述了一个在昆仑BIOS中遇到的问题,即系统安装了四块SSD硬盘,但在DriverManager驱动识别界面中,有三块硬盘显示为unconfigurationbad,无法在RAID配置界面中识别。解决方案是在驱动识别界面中选中问题硬盘,将其状态改为configuretiongood,然后刷新配置,通过调整相关设置 Select Main Menu > Configuration Management > Make Unconfigured Good. 前言:一次断电后,服务器外置的raid扩展硬盘盒无法识别。 开始过程中按Ctrl+H,进入Mega Raid管理界面,7块硬盘全部显示Unconfigured bad。 惊出一身冷汗。 联系 Set the drives in JBOD state to the Unconfigured Good state through the Make Unconfigured Good option. HPE Compute MR Gen11 Controllers. 选中该状态为Frn-Bad的盘,选择make unconfigured good,将硬 Click on the + to expand the Unconfigured Drives. Or maybe if needed set it as "unconfigured good" with. 点击 Go . 1. 这种情况多出现于服务器非正常关机,而导致的磁盘阵列信息丢失。如下图所示: 首先进入Drive Management,点击问题硬盘,选中Make Unconfigured Good,然后点Go From the System Utilities screen, navigate to the Make JBOD menu option using either of the following steps: Select System Configuration > HPE MRXXX Gen10+ > Main Menu > Configuration Management > Make JBOD. Repeat for all of the drives listed as 'Unconfigured Bad'. 2. In that state, not much can be done with a disk in that state so you need to change the state from Unconfigured bad to good. Modified 1 year, 11 months ago. JBOD, and select a JBOD drive. Unconfigured Good status before you can use it as a hot spare or can use it as a member of a virtual drive. 选择 “Make unconfigured good” 并按 “Enter” 。 硬盘状态变成 “Foreign” ,如 图9-146 所示。 图9-146 恢复Frn-Bad状态的硬盘(2) In the drive screen, select Make Unconfigured Good from the Operation drop-down menu. -- solution to problem is provided by Matt Dytkowski, with WebBIOS usage. 2k次。客户托管设备的机房异常断电,导致6台浪潮NF5280M4的系统无法访问,系统所在的RAID组中的2块磁盘全部亮故障灯。然后,在VD管理界面下,通过“Foreign Config”菜单导入RAID配置,虚拟磁盘恢复正常,故障解决。在PD管理界面中,对两块状态异常的磁盘执行“Make unconfigured good”操作。 部署云桌面,阵列卡是9440-8i,数据盘是要设置JBOD还是raid0? 查看云桌面开局指导书里面有提到: 若服务器为 LSI 9440 raid 卡,则数据盘需要使用 Jbod 模式,而非 RAID0 ,系统盘仍为 RAID1 。. 5th Edition 1 User Guide Lenovo ThinkSystem Storage Adapter Software UserGuide This article describes how to change the HDD status from JBOD to unconfigured good using the XClarity Controller (XCC). ; Click OK. Results. Select Confirm and Yes to confirm the selection. Ein möglicher Grund für den Status Unconfigured Bad ist, wenn ein zuvor nicht ordnungsgemäß entferntes 1、 服务器重启,进入Raid卡,slot5状态为PD missing,且最下面有一条Foreign Slot:1,Unconfigured Bad。 2、 选中最下面有一条Foreign Slot:1,Unconfigured Bad,需要将Foreign标签的slot1硬盘make unconfigured good,然后将它replace Missing PD,最后 プレス Ctrl - N ネットワークに接続するまで PD Mgmt tab. disk 1 and disk 2 are in RAID1 group, working good. B. 在 3108 RAID 卡的 PD 界面,将光标移动到状态为 fail/UB 的硬盘上。 2. The Warning screen appears, click Confirm and then click Yes. Press Ctrl - H when 根据实际需要,导入或清除外部配置。具体操作请参见导入和清除外部配置。. Was this FAQ helpful? Yes. All of the associated drives appear. 处理过程. 硬盘状态变为“(Foreign)Unconfigured Good”。 导入外部配置,具体操作请参见 导入/清除外部配置 ,完成配置。 重新进入“Drive Management”界面,可检查配置结果,如 图10-42 所示,表示RAID正在进行重构。 「Drive Management」ウィンドウで、上矢印キーまたは下矢印キーを使用して 「Unconfigured Good」 としてリストされているドライブを選択してから、Enter キーを押します。 「Unconfigured Good」ウィンドウで、上矢印キーまたは下矢印キーを使用して <「Select operation」> を選択してから、Enter キーを押します。 In the Make Unconfigured Good screen, select the JBOD drive that you want to convert to unconfigured good. Go to the Logical tab in MSM. Under 'Unconfigured Drives' right mouse on one of the unconfigured drives and select 'Change to Unconfigured Good'. ; Click Go. Making a JBOD. Firmware version 进入Drive Management,可以看到硬盘列表, (硬盘必须是Unconfigured Good,才可以配置JBOD直通模式): 在使能JBOD模式后,阵列卡会自动将未配置RAID的硬盘设置为JBOD,如果没有,执行下列操作。 选择 更换硬盘前,为避免拔错硬盘导致RAID组失效,请务必提前确认好硬盘槽位,参考1。 如硬盘故障为人为在线插拔RAID组中的硬盘或硬盘背板故障导致,则可以将硬盘设置为Unconfig Good后,参考导入和清除外部配置章节恢复RAID组,无需更换硬盘。; 若故障硬盘属于直通盘或非冗余RAID组(即RAID0),则硬盘 「Drive Management」ウィンドウで、上矢印キーまたは下矢印キーを使用して 「Unconfigured Good」 としてリストされているドライブを選択してから、Enter キーを押します。 「Unconfigured Good」ウィンドウで、上矢印キーまたは下矢印キーを使用して <「Select operation」> を選択してから、Enter キーを押します。 Perform these steps to change the status of unconfigured good drives to JBOD. 选中该状态为 Frn-Bad 的盘,选择 make unconfigured good ,将硬盘从 Frn-Bad ( Foreign-Unconfig Bad )转换为 Frn-Good ( Foreign-Unconfig Good )。. Newsroom HPE Discover Events Webinars. To bring the You can try to set the device "online" with. 问题描述 新开局的设备,客户热插拔 RAID组 中一块硬盘(Slot0)后,在3108的raid卡界面提示该硬盘的状态为Frn-Bad,且 热备盘 (Slot11)已开始Rebuild。. Presse€Ctrl - H€Wenn WebBIOS angezeigt wird, wählen Sie€Drives€und wählen Sie den entsprechenden Datenträger aus. 如果所有硬盘已设置为JBOD模式,则此处不显示“Make JBOD”选项;如果所有硬盘已设置为Unconfigured Good,则此处不显示“Make Unconfigured Good”选项。 对硬盘执行初始化或擦除等操作会删除硬盘上的数据,请谨慎执行。 Select Make Unconfigured Good and press Enter. 首先,将光标移到告警硬盘,回车后选择”Make Unconfigured Good“ 看硬盘状态能 可以发现某些磁盘状态为“ Unconfigured Bad“,而这些磁盘也就是 BMC 也没中的告警磁盘(亮黄灯磁盘)。表明这些磁盘的设置有错误,应重新设置。 首先,将光标移到告警硬盘,回车后选择 ”Make Unconfigured Good“, 看硬盘状态能否变为 ”Unconfigured Good“,即下图所示状态。 硬盘"Unconfigured Good"状态和"JBOD"状态的相互转换也可以在"Configuration Management"界面中操作,分别有"Make Unconfigured Good"和"Make JBOD"选项,可以一次批量转换多个硬盘,操作与创建阵列时选取硬盘 通过“Make Unconfigured Good”选项将“JBOD”状态的硬盘设置为“Unconfigured Good”状态: 登录管理界面,具体操作方法请参见登录管理界面。 在主界面中选择“Main Menu”并按“Enter”。 选择“Configuration Management”并按“Enter”。 选择“Make Unconfigured Good”并按“Enter”。 【原因分析】 3108 RAID 卡中显示为 fail/UB 状态的硬盘,可以尝试 make unconfigured good 操作进行恢复。 【解决办法】: 1. The drives in the JBOD state are displayed, as shown in Figure 12-69. ” 通过“Make Unconfigured Good”选项将“JBOD”状态的硬盘设置为“Unconfigured Good”状态: 登录管理界面。具体操作方法请参见登录管理界面(BIOS版本为V658及以上)或登录管理界面(BIOS版本为V363及以下)。 在主界面中选择“Main Menu”并按“Enter”。 硬盘"Unconfigured Good"状态和"JBOD"状态的相互转换也可以在"Configuration Management"界面中操作,分别有"Make Unconfigured Good"和"Make JBOD"选项,可以一次批量转换多个硬盘,操作与创建阵列时选取硬盘的步骤类似,在此不再赘述。 十、导入和清除外来阵列 文章浏览阅读1. I want to use the drive for a spare, but there is a previous configuration. Device Firmware Level: SC17. 硬盘直通功能,硬盘不加入RAID组,直接使用。 Make unconfigured good. Make Unconfigured Good/Bad:修改硬盘状态。 Make JBOD:硬盘直通功能,硬盘不加入RAID,直接使用。 Assign Global Hot Spare Drive:设置全局热备盘。 Assign Dedicated Hot Spare Drive:设置局部热备盘。 Unassign Hot Spare Drive:删除热备盘。 Place Drive Online:将Offline状态的硬盘设置为Online。 「ドライブ操作の選択 (Select Drive Operations)」ウィンドウで、Enter キーを押します。上矢印キーまたは下矢印キーを使用して、 「未構成不良 (Unconfigured Bad)」 としてリストされたドライブを強調表示してから Enter キーを押します。 In diesem Artikel wird Ihnen erklärt, wie Sie bei einem Avago MegaRAID 12Gbs RAID Controller (z. 在 3108 RAID 卡的 PD 界面,将光标移 EFI/UEFI模式下,Frn-bad状态的硬盘显示为 “Unconfigured Bad” ,如图9-176所示。可通过以下步骤将硬盘恢复为 “Online” 或 “unconfigured good” 状态。 可以发现某些磁盘状态为“Unconfigured Bad“,而这些磁盘也就是BMC也没中的告警磁盘(亮黄灯磁盘)。表明这些磁盘的设置有错误,应重新设置. . The drive then turns from Unconfigured Bad to Foreign state as it consists of the existing RAID configuration. 硬盘拔出前的准备工作。 Only Unconfigured Good drives can be used in a logical drive. Figure 12-69 Make Unconfigured Good screen. 按 f2 键,呼出操作 * 如果硬盘没有物理损坏:可能是由于配置问题导致显示为“Unconfigured Bad”。在这种情况下,可以尝试在RAID管理界面中执行修复操作。例如,在某些RAID控制器中,可以将硬盘的状态从“Unconfigured Bad”更改为“Good”,并重新将其添加到RAID组中。 How to make online of unconfigure good disk in Megaraid CLI MegaRAID - unconfigure good disk in MegaCLI List the available disk and find out the firmware state. For technical support, please send an email to support@supermicro. In the Make Unconfigured Good screen, select the JBOD drive that you want to convert to unconfigured good. Element(s) Actions. Make Unconfigured. 9. The Success appears to confirm that the operation is complete. In the Drive Management screen, select the JBOD drive that you This document describes various ways to configure the drive state from Just a Bunch Of Disks (JBOD) to Unconfigured Good (UG). third slot is empty. Select the Unconfigured Bad drive. WebBIOS. You can now exit the utility and allow the HMC to boot normally. The Warning screen appears, click Confirm and click Yes. 6. ” ,F2进入菜 通过“Make Unconfigured Good”选项将“JBOD”状态的硬盘设置为“Unconfigured Good”状态: 登录管理界面。具体操作方法请参见登录管理界面(BIOS版本为V658及以上)或登录管理界 首先,将光标移到告警硬盘,回车后选择 ”Make Unconfigured Good“, 看硬盘状态能否变为 ”Unconfigured Good“ ,即下图所示状态。 如果可以,标示这些磁盘告警已经解除,黄灯熄灭,恢复 要将硬盘状态改成online,您可以尝试以下步骤: 在RAID卡配置界面,选中故障硬盘,按F2键,选择Make unconfigured good选项,将硬盘转换为Unconfigured Good状态。 如 【原因分析】 3108 RAID 卡中显示为 fail/UB 状态的硬盘,可以尝试 make unconfigured good 操作进行恢复。 【解决办法】: 1. Ask Question Asked 1 year, 11 months ago. 选择05盘按F2 选择“Make unconfigured good”选项,f5刷新. Viewed 1k times 1 . KVMを起動し、サーバの電源を再投入します。プレス Ctrl - H webbiosが表示されたら、 From the System Utilities screen, select System Configuration > HPE MRXXX Gen10+ > Main Menu > Configuration Management . MegaRAID 启动键盘视频监视器(KVM)并重新启动服务器。按€Ctrl - R€在屏幕上显示MegaRAID时。按€Ctrl - N€直到 您加入€PD Mgmt€选项卡。导航至€F2-Operations > Make Unconfigured Good > Enter€如图所示. Click Go. Find the answer to your How can I set it to unconfigured good without shutting down? 1. Navigate to the Controller dashboard, and click the . Navigate to€Make Unconf Good > 通过“Make Unconfigured Good”选项将“JBOD”状态的硬盘设置为“Unconfigured Good”状态: 登录管理界面。具体操作方法请参见登录管理界面(BIOS版本为V658及以上)或登录管理界面(BIOS版本为V363及以下)。 在主界面中选择“Main Menu”并按“Enter”。 Hi, I'm wondering if there is a way to change the disk state from "jbod" to "unconfigured-good" using PowerShell. 设置好后选择 Go 确认,最后寻则 OK 保存 九、配置imm 选中硬盘状态为 Frn-Bad 的硬盘,然后选择 make unconfigured good ,回车, 此时硬盘状态变为 Foreign. The rebuild operation will continue until the entire array is rebuilt. The rebuild operation has started. 啟動鍵盤影片顯示器(KVM)並重新啟動伺服器。按 Ctrl - R 螢幕上顯示MegaRAID時。按 Ctrl - N 直到你加入 PD Mgmt 頁籤。導航至 F2-Operations > Make Unconfigured Good > Enter 如下圖所示。 Foreign + Unconfigured Good (未配置+包括外部RAID信息) Missing (磁盘未找到) Failed(失败) 硬盘状态错误解决方案 1. 回到 raid 配置主界面,选择 Configuration Management . 移動先 F2-Operations > Make Unconfigured Good > Enter 図に示すように。 WebBIOS. Select . You must log in to answer this question. 4k次。本文详细介绍了如何在服务器上通过BIOS系统设置,将两块因操作不当而处于异常状态的硬盘恢复至正常(unconfigured good)状态的过程。关键步骤包括:进入BIOS系统,选择storage选项,进 displayed on the screen. Make Unconfigured Good Dialog Scroll down, if necessary, to view other drives that are listed. 发布时间:2022-07-13 人浏览. Select OK and press Enter. Anyone did something like this and has some experience or is it at all doable without destroying the RAID? Any help would be appreciated. WebBIOS Launch the KVM and power cycle the server. 3. I don’t have any reason to believe the drives are bad. ; In the Drive Management screen, select the JBOD drive that you want to convert to Unconfigured Good. ; The 2. No. I have an existing 在需要切换模式的磁盘上点击F2,如果是unconfigured bad的磁盘,可能里面有残留的阵列信息,可以选择Make unconfigured good重新标记为未配置的良好磁盘,切换 Navigieren Sie zu€F2-Operations > Make Unconfigured Good > Enter€wie im Bild dargestellt. HPE MR Gen10 Plus Controllers. Launch the KVM and power cycle the server. Type the following to change slot 0 to good: storcli64 /c0/e252/s0 set good You will see the following: Controller = 0 Status = Success 文章浏览阅读4. For details, see Logging In to the Main Screen (BIOS Select Main Menu > Configuration Management > Make Unconfigured Good. Follow these steps to change the status of an Unconfigured Bad, or an Unconfigured Good, or a JBOD drive: 通过“Make Unconfigured Good”选项将“JBOD”状态的硬盘设置为“Unconfigured Good”状态: 登录管理界面,具体操作方法请参见登录管理界面。 在主界面中选择“Main Menu”并按“Enter”。 Press Ctrl+G to launch the Intel® RAID BIOS console or go to Controller Selection Main Screen in Intel® RAID Controller BIOS. Resolution: For MSM Windows Application. 在硬盘设置界面的 Select Operation 中选择 Make JBOD,若无此项则代表您的RAID 卡不支持 JBOD 模式. 设置硬盘状态为Unconfigured Good(即空闲盘)。 Prepare for Removal. 选择 Manage Foreign Configuration. The two drives also went “Unconfigured Bad” in MegaRAID Storage Manager. Enter Comments Below: Note: Your comments/feedback should be limited to this FAQ only. Unconfigured Bad" Unconfigured Good" 状态磁盘或未初始化的磁盘,出现无法恢复的错误时,会体现为此状态, Mising "Online "状态的磁盘被拨出后,体现为此状态。 Offline: 为某个虚拟磁盘的成员盘,不可正常使用,处于离线状态。 Shield State: 物理磁盘在做诊断操作时的临时状态: Copyback make-unconfigured-good Intersight 適切なサーバに移動し、€Inventory > Storage Controllers. 清除已存在的 RAID 信息(由于新开局项目,无业务)此时硬盘变为 UG ( Unconfig Good )状态。重新拔插该硬盘( 触发故障硬盘更换的动作)。保存退出 RAID 卡管理界面 文章浏览阅读4. Select OK. The new Cisco C240-M4 is comming with a Cisco RAID Controller capable to handle disks in JBOD mode. Related Products. 选择需要做 JBOD 的硬盘,此时硬盘应为 Unconfigured Good 模式 . 4)选中unconfigured bad状态的硬盘进入光标移至operation按enter选择make unconfigured good. The drives will then be listed as Set the drives in JBOD state to the Unconfigured Good state through the Make Unconfigured Good option. Select the drives to be converted, and click OK. What makes a SPAN or BIG different from RAID configurations is the possibility for the selection of drives. Press€Ctrl - H€when WebBIOS is displayed, then select€Drives€and choose the appropriate disk. The drive then turns from Unconfigured Bad to Foreign state as it From the System Utilities screen, select System Configuration > HPE MRXXX Gen10+ > Main Menu > Drive Management . I pulled the wrong drive out and offline the array. ; In the Make Unconfigured Good screen, select the JBOD drive that you want to convert to unconfigured good. From the System Utilities screen, select System Configuration > HPE MRXXX Gen10+ > Main Menu > Configuration Management > Create Logical Drive. ; In the Configuration Management screen, select Make Unconfigured Good from the Operation drop-down menu. A confirmation dialog 选择€Ellipsis€在右上方,然后€Set State > Unconfigured Good > Set€如图所示. tab. Press€Ctrl - N€until you are on the€PD Mgmt€tab. This Set the drives in JBOD state to the Unconfigured Good state through the Make Unconfigured Good option. Unfortunately Cisco delivers new servers wi 1. Log in to the Configuration Utility main screen. On the main screen, select Main Menu and press Enter. You can choose to either: 在Physical标签页中,右键点击状态为Unconfigured Good的硬盘,点击"Make JBOD"。 然后硬盘即切换为JBOD状态。 JBOD状态的硬盘可以再通过此种方法切换回Unconfigured Good状态。 由JBOD切换到Unconfigured Good状态时会有确认提示,勾选"Confirm"复选框后继续。 十、设置热 Make Unconfigured Good/Bad:修改硬盘状态。 Make JBOD:硬盘直通功能,硬盘不加入RAID,直接使用。 Assign Global Hot Spare Drive:设置全局热备盘。 Assign Dedicated Hot Spare Drive:设置局部热备盘。 Unassign Hot Spare Drive:删除热备盘。 Place Drive Online:将Offline状态的硬盘设置为Online。 部分阵列卡支持硬盘作为JBOD状态直通给操作系统和软件使用,如阵列卡不支持,则不会有”Make JBOD”选项。 在Physical标签页中,右键点击状态为Unconfigured Good的硬盘,点击”Make JBOD”。 然后硬盘即切换为JBOD Set the drives in JBOD state to the Unconfigured Good state through the Make Unconfigured Good option. 9341 / 9361) ein Unconfigured Bad Drive auf Unconfigured Good setzen. 执行导入外部配置操作,硬盘状态恢复为 “Online” 。; 执行清除外部配置操作,硬盘状态恢复为 “Unconfigured Good” 。 LSI SAS磁盘阵列出现unconfigured bad的处理步骤. Navigate to€F2-Operations > Make Unconfigured Good > Enter€as€shown€in€the€image. Select Configuration Management and Go into the properties of each marked Frn-Bad drive and select Make unconfigured good, one at a time, as shown below: Manually making the drives unconfigured good results in the drive status moving from Frn-bad to Firmware state: Unconfigured(good), Spun Up: 磁盘已安装,但未启用: Firmware state: Unconfigured(bad) 故障, 对应hwcheck的 Non-Critical: Firmware state: Failed: 故障, 对应hwcheck的Critical: Firmware state: Rebuild: 重建,一般在更换磁盘时显示: Enclosure Device ID: 32: 设备: Slot Number: 1: 磁盘在服务器 Perform the following steps to change the status of JBOD drives to Unconfigured. In the drive screen, select Make Unconfigured Good from the Operation drop-down menu. Shield Counter: 0. For details, see Logging In to the Main Screen (BIOS 8. Access the main screen. as a disclaimer, I am not particularly well versed with storcli so please bare with me. You can see that slot 0 (ID 8) is shown as unconfigured bad or UBad. I’ve done a couple of steps to get things online, but I’m a bit nervous about losing my data and was hoping for some guidance. Make Unconfigured Good/Bad:修改硬盘状态。 Make JBOD:硬盘直通功能,硬盘不加入RAID,直接使用。 Assign Global Hot Spare Drive:设置全局热备盘。 Assign Dedicated Hot Spare Drive:设置局部热备盘。 Unassign Hot Spare Drive:删除热备盘。 Cryptographic Erase:对加密硬盘进行数据擦除。 选择 Ellipsis 在右上方,然后 Set State > Unconfigured Good > Set 如图所示. Click the Make Unconfigured Good on the right under Element(s) Actions. 6)此时再看硬盘状态可以看见硬 Select Main Menu > Configuration Management > Make Unconfigured Good. To ensure that the drive state has been changed to the Unconfigured Good state, perform step 4. Dieser Schritt ist erforderlich, wenn unter Unconfigured Drives das neue Drive nicht aufgelistet wird. Navigieren Sie zu€Make Unconf Good > Go€wie im Bild dargestellt. This article provides the steps to change hard dives that show the Unconfigured Bad drive status to Configured Good in the MegaRAID Storage Manager (MSM) Windows application. Make JBOD. 现在显示Foreign, 此时需要清除外来配置信息,Ctrl+P进入VD M ,将光标移至“LSI MegaRAID . Procedure. PARTNERS Storage Monitoring ist ein Tool, im IPMI, welches 2013 von Supermicro eingeführt wurde, um gewisse Ausgangsdaten der Drives, die an den RAID-Controllern von Supermicro-Produkten angeschlossen sind, einsehen zu können. 5)选择go去确认. Is the BIOS corrupted? UCS C210 M2. A confirmation message appears. Make Unconfigured Good/Bad:修改硬盘状态。 Make JBOD:硬盘直通功能,硬盘不加入RAID,直接使用。 Assign Global Hot Spare Drive:设置全局热备盘。 Assign Dedicated Hot Spare Drive:设置局部热备盘。 Unassign Hot Spare Drive:删除热备盘。 Prepare for Removal:硬盘拔出前的准备工作。 I have an issue with the UCS server that, after swapping the HDD and rebooted, it was fine for a while that everything is in good condition, however, the following day when viewing through CIMC, we have all the HDD showing as unconfigured good, and nothing was shown on the virtual disk info. If you have JBOD drives, you can choose to convert them to Unconfigured Good drives for use in your logical drive. While RAID usually requires all drives to be of similar capacity and it is preferred that the same or similar drive models are used for performance reasons, This drive changes the drive state to Unconfigured Good. Click OK. €適切なRAIDコントローラに移動し、 Physical Drives€変更する必要があるディスクを選択します。次のいずれかを選択します。€Ellipsis€右上に表示 disk 0 - "foreign", "unconfigured (good), spun up", was RAID0 single drive until "failed" and became "unconfigured (bad)" which I was lucky to be able to make "unconfigured (good)" now. On This Page. Press Ctrl - N until you are on the PD Mgmt tab. [07:23:12] Firmware state: Unconfigured(good), Spun Up. HPE MR Gen10 Plus Controllers Set the drives in JBOD state to the Unconfigured Good state through the Make Unconfigured Good option. Successful diagnostics completion on : N/A. Select the drive and press Enter. make-offline make-unconfigured-good Error: Command issued while FW in wrong state. For the drive status change to reflect on the Drive Management screen, refresh the view. News and Events. xaiyt ndsq lrbpl zawh nyvh tdc fvc btgb eubro egdc iqy ppjkcq tyhzz nkvojm rwklohe