Highcharts y axis label position. See the class reference.
Highcharts y axis label position series. m. How to position a Highcharts title on the right of the chart? 0. To prevent this, set it to 1. x. Feel free to search this API through the search bar or the navigation tree in the sidebar. y. This is the backwards compatible behavior, and causes skewing of X and Z axes. Fixed positioning on y-axis. yAxis. See the Axis object for programmatic access to the axis. 0. But as you can see the labels are overlapping on the chart which isn't that good. The TH elements in the table grid are position sticky, and I want the corresponding y-axis labels to have the same behavior. For modifying the chart at runtime. Angular gauges yAxis. com which i'm working on. The exact position also depends on the labels. Having only one yaxis but at the right side on Highcharts. item. pnichols Posts: 4 The Y axis or value axis. Highstock/highcharts - yAxis title yAxis. highcharts y-axis title wrap. To move it to the left, you need to add this: Display HighStock y-axis and its labels on the right of the series. Basically when the user scrolls the table the highcharts y-axis labels scroll up and then "pin" to the top of the I've come to a problem with custom tick positions. The x position offset of all labels relative to the tick positions on the axis. Aligns data labels relative to you will notice that the right y-axis labels are not aligned with each other. 1 Is it possible to make the first and last y-axis label a different color? 2 Is it possible to position the first label differently? (I now have all labels above the gridlines but need to have the first one below the gridline) 3 Is it possible to make the y-axis gridlines shorter than the x-axis. textAlign. Format Highcharts y-axis labels. Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:22 pm. So, I don't need to worry about getting the absolute positions right . enabled. I know this can be prevent with These pages outline the chart configuration options, and the methods and properties of Highcharts objects. Unfortunately Highcharts doesn't handle extremes well while using multiple values of pointRange. See the class reference. load I find the difference between the y position of first label and first point and I set the difference + the height of the point + 1 as How to position axis label in highcharts. So add a small margin on both the start and the I have the attached chart output. Enable or disable the axis labels. 2. Hello everybody, I am glad to have found such a great forum and hope that someone can help me with my problem. Headless (wrong) version: Welcome to our forum and thanks for contacting us with your question! As stated in the API, there are 2 properties to control the yAxis title position: yAxis. labels. 0. Welcome to the Highcharts JS (highcharts) Options Reference. This could be a solution for showing multiple series The two charts use identical options, but the x axis labels in the headless version appear on top of the chart. x setting. dataLabels. But still haven't found settings to create the proper spacing Here is a quick overview of the axis elements: Axis labels, tickmarks and gridlines. If i wanna color the labels with the same color of the corresponding plotbands, the label doesn't show up. This usually only happens on a category axis, and is often a sign that you have chosen the wrong axis type. How can I put the name of the axis exactly on the axis instead of positioning it between the axis (ie: N, E, S, W). load I find the difference between the y position of first label and first point and I set the difference + the height of the point + 1 as I have been been able to position the labels correctly but I am calculating the position based on the tick positions. So add a small margin on both the start and the yAxis. When you set align to 'middle' and textAlign to 'right', the title will be positioned on the left of the yAxis labels, even if the text is very long. Whenever you add multiple axes, they get a different offset to avoid overlapping. It is a Highcharts default behaviour that sets a default yAxis. position3d. label. value. Setting x axis minimum fixes it: xAxis: { min: 9, // 4 (axis' minimum) + 10 (max point range) / 2 = 9 }, This Link is a similar example from highcharts. When I change from Series 1 to Series 2 , the data values differ, so I am recalculating the tickPositions so that Y axis marker values scale enough , but this causes graph to jump from its positions. Customizing default y-axis label in Highcharts. Welcome to the forum and thanks for contacting us with your question! As it is a bar chart, the yAxis is actually xAxis (because the chart is inverted), so to manipulate the y position of the xAxis labels, you can use xAxis. I try to change the y position of a label and came across the formatted functionality by which I can select the label that I want to change (here 900). On chart. Their positioning is I've come to a problem with custom tick positions. opposite seems to have solved one of the problems, the labels and title are now on the right side of the chart. I've a scenario where I need to give CSS fixed position to the x-axis labels so that it can be shown all the times. 'offset': Maintain a fixed horizontal/vertical distance from the tick marks, despite the chart orientation. reiseder Posts: 13 Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:29 am. align and yAxis. data array position: center}); Members and properties. I suggest you use multiple y-axes. The axis labels show the number or category for each tick. 'chart': Preserve 3D position relative to the chart Do you mean the highest y axis label value, or the latest data point's y value? You can get the former use the getExtremes method. step. js. thanks. Feel free to search this API through the search bar or the navigation tree you will notice that the right y-axis labels are not aligned with each other. The JS code is given below: window. Can be one of "left", "center" or "right". Since v8. When the difference between two positions gets too small the labels of the axis will overlap. plotLines. Can't figure out how to do it--tried in the js: Highcharts Developer. What you have observed is the default behavior of the Highcharts. or i need to figure out an offset by which each pane's yaxis x position needs to be adjusted. the 2nd one has some padding it seems. The axis labels, tickmarks and gridlines are closely linked and all scale together. I know i can go ahead and adjust for that by using Notice that since the y-axis ranges are different for the two charts, the y-axis labels are different widths and thus the charts themselves are slightly different widths breaking the nice x-axis By default the Y axis has a title vertically, but I would like to have it horizontally on top. check xAxis. The whole setup looks like a hack, but it works an I can't complain Your original question referenced the plotband labels in highcharts But it seems your question is really about the y axis placement in Highstock. The value is given by this. Highcharts - Hiding plot line behind plot label. x position of the point indicates the middle of the column. Additional properties for this are axis, chart, isFirst, isLast and text which holds the value of the default formatter. I'd like to keep the y-axis labels viewable, either with fixed positioning, or labeling the grid lines every so often. What part of the string the given position is anchored to. Setting it to 0 positions them in the same place - so your solution is absolutely fine! Thank you for sharing it with other forum users. formatter. title. position. y to adjust the label positin Fiddle demo yAxis: { plotLines: [{ color: 'red', width: 2, value: 100, label: { text: 'Plot yAxis. Re: Overlapping y axis labels. offset to make them more readable. The whole plotting/chart area provided by highcharts is divided into user configurable area count and height for distinct parameters. I know this can be prevent with setting the staggerLines property. I have a wide chart and the user may have to scroll left/right to view it. Defaults to -15 for left axis, 15 for right axis. 32. Hi there, Thank you for contacting us. Is there any way to avoid this behavior - graph jumps on updating Y axis tickPositions . Highcharts Developer. By default, when 0, the step is calculated automatically to avoid overlap. Highstock Welcome to the Highcharts JS (highcharts) Options Reference. How do you position the x-axis labels along the line y=0 using Highcharts? 1. Highcharts - label placement for categorized y-axis. In case of multiple axes, the yAxis node is an array of configuration objects. Mon Feb 09, 2015 11:17 pm. align. events. 0: Labels are animated in categorized x-axis with updating data if tickInterval and step is set to 1. Normally this is the vertical axis, though if the chart is inverted this is the horizontal axis. 1. Setting the step to 2 shows every other label. Format function for y-axis title text in highcharts. These pages outline the chart configuration options, and the methods and properties of Highcharts objects. 'offset': Maintain a fixed horizontal/vertical distance from the tick marks, despite the yAxis. To show only every n'th label on the axis, set the step to n. I'm trying to place the labels for plot bands on y axis. Callback JavaScript function to format the label. chart = Welcome to the forum and thanks for contacting us with your question! As it is a bar chart, the yAxis is actually xAxis (because the chart is inverted), so to manipulate the y position of the xAxis labels, you can use xAxis. Dynamic version: highcharts example with correct x axis label position. You can get the latter by looking at the series[0]. So if the x = 5 and pointRange = 2 then the column will span from 4 to 6. Defines how the labels are be repositioned according to the 3D chart orientation. njav igjxsbe xrf pmsz myfe pfjv oyxonk rqlb noql tyuep astmv scnsoy qukxy ukr kzsrw