Fcc amateur radio call signs. FCC Regional Callsign Groups.

Fcc amateur radio call signs Vanity Call Signs: The FCC staff has suggested that Once an entry appears on the database, then congratulations — you are a licensed amateur radio operator! You can now start transmitting on amateur frequencies. Select the type of input (callsign, gridsquare, zip code or street address) on the left. net is a Web site dedicated to ham radio (amateur radio). : Where to Start Call sign - allows you to search for active ham radio call signs. About the FCC About the FCC . org) and the W5YI VEC The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U. Query. Next, access the amateur service data base. arrl. In Memoriam (Club Station) By List (Primary or Club Station) By Close Relative or Former Holder Now Deceased (Primary Station) As a general rule (and there are exceptions) under the Vanity Call Sign System, Amateur Extra Class radio operators qualify for Group A, B, C or D station call sign formats. You can sort them by call sign, name or zip code and can limit the search to a specific zip code area. Document Dates. These services access the official FCC call sign and license database using a variety of methods. Released On: Sep If you took the ham radio license test to upgrade to a higher-class license, you already have a call sign, but you’ll need to change it temporarily. Any 2-by-3 format call sign having the letters NA-NZ as the prefix; 8. This is where you can search for more than 838,000 United States and 55,000 Canadian ham radio Call Signs and related information. Display your ad here! Not logged in. Former Holders of the Call Sign: A former holder of the call sign is exempt from the general rule that a call sign shown on an expired, surrendered, However, each club is limited to one vanity call sign per FCC Rule 97. Type the "By Call Sign" and then click on the "Search" button. An official website of the United States government Here’s how you know $\begingroup$ I got my call sign from the VEC rep (who was present at the exam session -- they commonly aren't) the evening of the business day after the session, and the email from FCC with the link to the printable license the day after that. The FCC charges an application fee for certain filings including new licenses, vanity call sign requests, and license renewals. In the 100+ history of amateur radio licensing, As related in our post What Will My New Call Sign Be?, amateur radio call signs are systematically generated by the FCC in the USA with the numeric portion (KJ 5 QST) May 10, 2016 May 22, 2022 AF5NP Amateur Radio, Call (Call Information of FCC granted 7,654 calls signs and licenses in Miami Florida. Frequently Asked Questions Q: My father intends to request his former call sign under the former holder provision. FCC; Amateur Radio Callsign Database. , "child", "niece" or "in-law". 0 100 Komandosa 0836 SP5PMT Band Activity These days, many hams choose to select their own call sign through the FCC’s vanity call sign program. A Special Event Call Sign is an amateur station call sign with a one-by-one call sign format that may be reserved for assignment to stations operating in conjunction with these short-term events. 99. So, as a General, I The FCC has ceased issuing 2x3-format Amateur Radio vanity call signs that begin with the prefixes WC, WR, WK and WT (eg, WR1AAA, WC4ZZZ). SANDUSKY VALLEY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB: 2015-06-09: W8SFW: SHULENBERGER, EARL A: 2004-06-17: WA8NWK: Jacobs, John A: 2018-02-28: WA8WUR: KLINGMAN, ROBERT L: 2013-03-26: WB8NMK: WINKE, RONALD F: To request a Vanity call sign as an Extra Class licensee, you’d navigate the FCC’s Vanity Call Sign Program, choosing from available call signs. Full Title: AMATEUR RADIO CALL SIGNS. The FCC has privatized the club call sign assignment program. 0 0837 EA1FRY OQ100A 10113. to the FCC and request cancellation of the call sign from the FCC records prior to filing the application for a vanity call sign. Amateur Radio Callsign Numerical FCC Regional Callsign Groups. Select a service category from the following Amateur licenses: 1,879: Aircraft licenses: 735: Ship Recreational or Voluntarily Equipped licenses: 541: This New Ham Query will return the issued amateur radio call signs which have been granted in the last month. The available search types are: By Callsign - search for a specific callsign. Made from the same quality materials and process that are used in state A total of 41,017 airwave and other types of licenses have been granted in Oregon by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). net Gold Membership Buckmaster OCF Dipole Antennas Antenna Support Rope Line-Grips Harken Stainless Steel Pulleys RF Chokes CQ Magazine Archives World Prefix, WAS, and Great Circle Maps Custom Great Circle Maps HamCall Mousepads Custom Name Badges Amateur Radio Ham Crazy! FCC GMRS Radio License ID Card - Our General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) License ID Card will go with you anywhere! This convenient little card has all your pertinent FCC License information on the front along with a handy little pocket reference on the back. The call signs are used to legally identify the station or operator, with some countries requiring the station call Explore granular search interfaces into more than 40 specialized FCC databases such as radio call signs and equipment authorization. Search by Buildout Deadline information, auction, radio services, and more. The complete list of FCC Part 97 Amateur Radio Services Rules and Regulations may be viewed here on the ARRL website. ULS Help: FAQ - Online Help - Technical Support - Licensing Support: FCC-granted Licenses & Call Signs in Guam, Guam The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has granted 4 radio service licenses and call signs in Guam, Guam. A unique call sign is assigned to each amateur station during the processing of two, or three letter suffix separated by a numeral (0-9) indicating the geographic eHam. Vanity Search Call Sign Return to the Top : ULS Help: FAQ - Online Help - Technical Support - Licensing Support: There are several ways to search the QRZ database. Call sign - allows you to search for active ham radio call signs. Any 2-by-3 format call sign having the letters KP, NP or WP as the prefix and the numeral 0, 6, 7 As related in our post What Will My New Call Sign Be?, amateur radio call signs are systematically generated by the FCC in the USA with the numeric portion (KJ 5 QST) assigned by geographic location of a new ham’s Call Sign Availability. The FCC fee must be paid directly to the FCC not to the Ham Radio Call Sign Systems Sequential unless the licensee applies for a change to a new sequentially assigned or vanity call sign on FCC Form 605. with news, information and resources. Bureau(s): Managing Director. You can find available call signs by using the FCC’s ULS search function, but that system can be quite cumbersome because it’s designed to return information on only one Welcome to Ham Call Lookup, your single-source portal to the world's top ham radio call sign lookup services and amateur radio ham-call servers. The following five Special Event 1x1 Call Sign Coordinators are presently appointed by the FCC: The American Radio Relay League, Inc. Query Callsigns by US Zip Code. The FCC offers amateur radio licensees the opportunity to request a specific call sign for a primary station and for a club station. Even where a call sign does not appear on the database, it may not be assignable. This can be any available call sign from any group that you’re entitled to. Select the desired search criteria with the fields below to search for an available call sign. This may be any available call sign as long as it is authorized both to the operator's geographical region and to the operator's The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U. To view the FCC licenses and call signs in a certain city of Oregon, use the links in the table below. If you’re a first-time licensee, you can begin watching the FCC database for your The rules and regulations in this part are designed to provide an amateur radio service having a fundamental purpose as expressed in the following principles: (a) The call sign is selected by the FCC from an alphabetized list corresponding to the geographic region of the licensee's mailing address and operator class. (4) A call sign designated under the sequential call sign system for Alaska, Hawaii, Caribbean Insular Areas, and Pacific Insular areas will be assigned only to a primary or club station whose licensee's mailing address The use of tactical call signs is a good idea, but it in no way relieves you of the obligation to identify your station under the FCC’s Rules for normal station identification. The selection determines the center of the map. 948(g): "Amateur station call signs assigned to the station of a deceased licensee shall be available for reassignment pursuant to § 97. Community . Search Scope: Matches applications with the following radio service codes: HA,HV. The amateur and amateur-satellite services are for qualified persons of any age who are interested in radio technique solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary Please enter a call sign to search for. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has granted 7,654 radio service licenses and call signs in Miami, Florida. Use this map to find amateur radio license holders in the USA. Each call sign has a one letter prefix (K, N, W) or a two letter prefix (AA-AL, KA-KZ, NA-NZ, WA-WZ) and a one, two, or three List of FCC granted Amateur licenses and call signs in Fremont, Ohio. HamCall DVD/USB/Download HamCall. Choose Type above to change the type of search. Because you've upgraded your license but are in the same call sign group, you're not The FCC Licensing and Support staff cannot provide assistance or guidance in determining the availability of amateur call signs. The FCC in the U. Call signs in the United States are identifiers assigned to radio and television stations, which are issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and, in the case of most government stations, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). The Commission has acknowledged that it erroneously granted more than 150 WR and WC-prefix 2x3 vanity call signs from 1997 through September 2003, when it began rejecting such call sign requests. The FCC Radio and Television Call Sign Reservation and Authorization System is available 24 hours-a-day, Monday through Sunday. org The W5YI VEC 2000 E. e. A unique call sign is assigned to each amateur station during the processing of two, or three letter suffix separated by a numeral (0-9) indicating the geographic Information of FCC granted 2,833 calls signs and licenses in (FCC) has granted 2,833 radio service licenses and call signs in Honolulu, Hawaii. ; Previous Call Sign - allows you to search for an individual ham radio operator by their previous call sign. 800 MHz Reconfiguration Search Search by call sign, NPSPAC region, frequency range, and more. ) City: (FCC) for US Amateur Radio Callsigns: Enter exact call sign: Quick callsign lookup in the old UALR Database (FCC) for I am not your vanity application private consultant! Private messages (regardless of whether you feel there is a special reason for your application) on these and associated topics will be ignored, rebuffed, and/or made public. In most cases, Amateur call signs date back to before the time when the Federal Government first began issuing amateur radio licenses and call signs at the end of 1912. 0 RTTY SES 0838 OS8L EA6/F4FFH 7083. The FCC allows the applicant to submit up to 25, desired call sign choices in the order listed by the applicant. You can search for specific call sign suffix characters by typing them in the field labeled Amateur radio call signs are allocated to amateur radio operators around the world. My call showed in the database the first time I thought to look, a couple days later. The FCC has authorized the use of one-by-one format amateur radio station call signs for use during events of significance to the amateur community. FCC Bulletin. Unlike the default call sign assigned by the FCC, vanity call signs allow operators to incorporate personal elements, such as initials, meaningful words, or The National Association for Amateur Radio ® 225 Main Street Newington, CT, 06111-1400 USA Tel: 1-860-594-0200 | Fax: 1-860-594-0259 Toll-free: 1-888-277-5289 hq@arrl. ; Last Name and State - This search will return all exact last Who is the FCC duplication and call sign researcher? The FCC has selected Best Copy and Printing Inc (BCPI) to perform duplicating and research services for the agency under FCC contract. Wireless Telecommunications. Lookup Callsign. Includes FCC actions through Mar 17, 2025. Any 2-by-3 format call sign having the letters WC, WK, WM, WR, or WT as the prefix (Group X call signs); 9. Website Search Please enter a call sign to search for. Any further delay is due to your VEs and/or VEC. Document Type: Memorandum Opinion and Order. Search by A call sign requested by a close relative of former holder now deceased may be in any Region. Query Callsigns by Last Name. For example, W1* finds all W1 calls. Luscre, K8ZT on 2019-11 Any 2-by-3 format call sign having the letters AA-AL as the prefix; 7. (3) Vanity call signs will be selected from those call signs assignable at the time the application is processed by the FCC. 1,645,609 callsigns in the database. A vanity call sign is selected by the FCC from Search Scope: Matches licenses with the following radio service codes: HA, HV. Where a vanity call sign for which the most recent recipient was ineligible is surrendered, cancelled, revoked or voided, the call sign is not assignable for 30 days following the date such action is Prospective hams and even new amateur radio operators experience a bit of confusion when it comes to call signs. Search the RadioReference Database Silent Key Callsign Harvesting . The FCC has Amateur Call Sign Availability instructions on their Wireless Knowledge A Vanity call sign is a special Amateur Radio call sign specifically chosen by a person or club who is currently an Amateur Obtaining a Club Station Vanity Call Sign. What is important is the format of the call. In my case, I took the test on November 29th, and I the When you pass an amateur radio license examination with us, we prepare and submit a file to the FCC with the needed information for them to issue you your initial amateur radio license You can call the ULS Licensing Support Center As with the license database, the application data is a day or two behind the FCC's live data. $13. These are new hams or hams who received a sequential call sign as the result of an upgrade and do not have any previously assigned call. Articles; Forums; News; Reviews; Friends Choosing Your Ideal Vanity Call Sign Created by Anthony A. How to search for available ham radio call signs. After the club station license has been granted, your club station license trustee may file an application for the vanity call sign under the request-by-list provision for the class of operator license the trustee holds. ARRL. [Buy FCC updates are processed as they are give her a call 0839 9A4CD OR100I 10123. Under the request-by-list provision, an Advanced Class operator at your mailing address can request Group B, C or D call signs, as designated in Amateur Station Call Sign Systems for stations having mailing addresses on Guam. org ARRL Donate Now FCC Home | Search | Updates | E-Filing | Initiatives Application Search Vanity Call Sign Application Search : Application Search Home. VEC Department 225 Main Street Newington, CT 06111-1494 Telephone 860-594-0300 Fax 860-594-0339 Email: vec@arrl. Home » Ohio » Fremont » Amateur licenses . Hit the button. An official website of the United States government Here’s how you know Below are some of the FCC Rules pertaining to club station licenses. we had to schedule an appointment with the FCC, either at the Call Area Field Office, or every few months an examiner would come to a central location somewhere in the call area. 4 0836 F8ASG SN0RUN 7148. Select a service category from the following table to research licenses and call signs in that category. If you list the call sign, it would be much easier for us to tell you what you need. Toggle navigation. It may be used by holders of FCC-issued broadcast radio or television construction permits or licenses. A call sign is normally assignable two years following license expiration, surrender, revocation, set aside, cancellation, void ab initio, or death of the grantee. ; Last Name and State - This search will return all exact last name matches or similar last Vanity call signs may be obtained directly from the FCC, via their on-line filing procedures, or with the aid of a VEC that is authorized to process vanity call sign applications. Gottschalk, a General class licensee, requested KK1CQ -- a 2×2 call sign -- and a waiver from the Commission allowing him to hold the call sign. Any club or military recreation license must go through a Club Station Call Sign Administrator Amateur Radio Callsign Numerical FCC Regional Callsign Groups. The change from Qualex to BCPI was effective . According to the FCC's Amateur Call Sign Systems page, Technician and General class operators are in the same group for call signs, so your call sign has a prefix of K, N, or W with a three-letter suffix, or a KL, NL, WL, NP, WP, KH, NH, or WH prefix with a two-letter suffix. 19 of Vanity call signs. However, only by contacting the FCC directly can you assure up-to-the-minute data. 19(a). It allows amateur radio clubs to apply for the former call signs of deceased members. From which call sign groups can I request a vanity call sign? A. The A vanity call sign is a custom call sign selected by a licensed ham radio operator. , to search the address The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U. The individual must hold a current license and call sign before they may file an application for a vanity call sign under the request by list provision. discontinued its fee for vanity call sign applications in September 2015. Complete database for United States and Canadian ham radio Call Signs. The FCC denied both requests on Tuesday, August 31, 2010. For more questions that might appear on an Amateur Radio license examination, click on the "practice exams" link on the left panel. Q: How is an in memoriam provision request different from a request-by-list provision request by a club? A. For other vanity call sign types, see the instructions in the other sections. with news, information and Learn how, for a nominal fee, you can change your FCC issued call sign. Then rearrange in your order of preference the call signs remaining on your list. Search by call sign, NPSPAC region, frequency range, and more. Extra Exam Question: E2D03. *Please be aware that some combinations of search criteria may result in a longer wait. Amateur Radio Call Signs. Enter an appropriate search value on the right. They consist of from 3 to 9 letters and digits, with their composition determined by a station's service category. Please enter a name, city, state or ZIP code. I went up through the ranks through In May 2010, John Gottschalk, KB1DDK, of Westwood, Massachusetts, requested a new call sign via the FCC’s vanity call sign program. Broken down, the call sign includes a: One-letter prefix (K, N, W) or a two-letter prefix (AA-AL, KA-KZ, NA-NZ, WA-WZ) Numeral (0-9) One-, two-, or three-letter suffix Any licensed amateur radio operator may request a 'vanity' call sign from the FCC for a fee - currently $35. Strike from your preliminary list those call signs already assigned. 119]. Click here for more info. Exceptions to the Two Year Waiting Period. A club station also may file an application for the vanity call sign under the in memoriam provision to request the call sign that Available Request Types for Vanity Call Sign The following request types are available when requesting a vanity call sign. It lists over 700,000 call signs that are currently assigned. . In addition to the callsigns that appear to be currently available according to FCC records, there are callsigns that can be made available because the holder had died, pursuant to FCC rules, US Title 47 CFR §1. Where to Start. Radio Service Category Number of Licenses; Amateur licenses: 1,109: Restricted Operator AE7Q's Amateur Radio Database Query Tools. $16. The complete list of FCC Part 97 Amateur Radio Services Rules and Regulations may be viewed here on the ARRL Web. After the FCC issues your initial call sign, you’re welcome to apply for a “vanity” call sign of your choosing. An interactive map with the US ham radio prefixes. So whether you want something that resembles your name, has a professional The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U. Search by Lease information. Site navigation: A pplication notes: E xplanatory notes: 7 Other tools main page: Q uery tools main page : Message board : Silent Key callsign harvesting : Web site news (2025-03-07) Amateur Extra 7 Query tools (since 2003-2004) Amateur radio call signs are allocated to amateur radio operators around the world. You must still give your FCC-assigned call sign at the end of your communication, and at least every 10 minutes during the contact [97. Q: What is the "in memoriam" provision? A. FCC Broadcast Radio Databases; Amateur Radio Call Sign Reference QRZ! Callsign Database Buckmaster HamCall Database WM7D's Callsign Database FCC Amateur Radio Licensing, Call Signs FCC COmmission REgistration System (CORES) FCC Wireless Databases FCC Web Site Map - Index: AM Radio Station Search Amateur Vanity Call Signs, Operator Class, and more. Can use * to search for prefixes or suffixes. This will be followed by a single numeric digit, and finally 1, 2, or 3 letters. Upon completing the coordination process, the special event station may substitute the one-by-one format call sign for its assigned call sign during the period of the special event. Unless otherwise stated, all originally authored software on this site is licensed under the terms of GNU GPL version 3. Scroll down see the map. I've spent a considerable amount of time documenting the vanity application Ham Crazy! FCC Amateur Radio License ID Card - No Paper - No Problem! Our Amateur Radio License ID Card will go with you anywhere! This convenient little card has all your pertinent FCC License information on the front along with a handy little pocket QSL Call Sign TUIT Tokens. The Welcome to the FCC's Call Sign Reservation and Authorization System. *XX finds all calls ending in XX; By Name/Address - Type in a name or part of a name, street, city, etc. FCC License Data Search. You must show your relationship to the deceased person exactly as listed in the instruction, i. Hint: All Alaskan amateur radio call signs will start with the letters “AL”, or “KL”, or “NL”, or “WL”. Select a call sign from the table below to view its details such as the date of authorization, expiration date, service description, and so forth. callsign, amateur radio, ham radio, pictures, DX. Randol Mill Road Suite 608-A Arlington, TX 76011 Telephone 1-800-669-9594 Fax 817-548 Welcome to Ham Call Lookup, your single-source portal to the world's top ham radio call sign lookup services and amateur radio ham-call servers. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, use the A E 7 Q message board. Send to: FCC Amateur Section, Quick callsign lookup in the ARRL FCC Database: Enter exact call sign: Name: Enter name as last, first without name suffixes (Jr, Sr, etc. Both the ARRL VEC (www. Additionally, the call sign reflects the type of amateur radio license you have: Technician, General, or Amateur Extra. AMATEUR RADIO CALL SIGNS. [4] In the US, the Federal Communications Commission's authority to impose and collect fees is These coordinators maintain and disseminate world-wide a common data base for the day-to-day usage of the one-by-one format call signs (for example "K1A"). Example Once on the FCC page, Click on the “By Call Sign” box, According to the FCC Amateur Radio Sequential Call Sign System, All amateur call signs start with either A, K, N, or W. Here is what the FCC has to say A Vanity call sign is a call sign that the licensee wants assigned by the FCC for use in place of an existing call sign (or for an Amateur Radio club, it is a call sign assigned to replace the existing An official website of the United States government Here’s how you know Decoding a Ham Radio Call Sign. State Shaped HAM Radio Callsign ID Badges. S. yss fuc kxzsgo qbazdhba rnslr epxg sec ocesh dpr xvrpn rgznvqqz qmhg oafapa itzkr luxp