
Custom bios for clevo. I've seen some posts … Lenovo Z580 BIOS Mod V3.

Custom bios for clevo We would not advise using them with other vendors' products. Here is the sharing of the Custom BIOSES for the Clevo's laptop I didn't upload the Clevo's stock BIOSES because its can be found easily online Share it and upload if something is missing About I need latest Prema BIOS for Clevo P870DM-G to support i7-7700k. 2GHz. Hi! Yes, as first step you need flash the P775DM3G_STOCK. 5) but haven’t reached what I want yet. 06. Initially my EC rejected the card (loud beeps and fans until forced shutdown). Hello all, I have a maybe easy question for advance modders. 5 Ghz on all cores (-50 mv undervolted) | 32GB Hyper X Black 2666MHz | Clevo RTX 2080 3. I'm in the states so I couldn't buy from xmg. I've seen some posts Lenovo Z580 BIOS Mod V3. Preparation BIOS Updates, Drivers, Manuals Clevo modded/unlocked BIOS mirror collection by dsanke - supermarsx/other-clevo-modded-bios Custom BIOS for Clevo W650SJ with many features unlocked and also OpRom and VBIOS updates. Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is my first experience with bios flashing. I/O Ports. Software Flashing (xx30 and up) I got a small problem with the overclocking my GTX 970M 3GB . Clica em Gostei e se Inscreve no canal, pra dar aquele apoio! Valeu. I tried checking the WayBack Machine but most are dead links and I was only able to find stock bios Hi, I was wondering if anyone still has a copy of the Prema Bios Mod for my Clevo W370ST. (08-20-2023, 04:05 AM) anioł Wrote: Hello, I own Clevo nh57dp with insyde bios ver 1. It currently has an intel Celeron G5905 The safe vbios in a P1X0HM are the Clevo 80. He only does custom jobs for manufacturers nowadays from what I've read. Posts: 32 Threads: 1 Joined: Aug 2015 Reputation: 0. *Note: These drivers or Manuals are customized for CLEVO's Notebook PCs only. 4 Clevo X170KM-G // BIOS Clevo 1. 18 I made a backup of my BIOS with the BackupTool. I've been searching for 2 months but couldn't find anything. rar Hi all! I’ve been able to sucessfully unlock the Bios in this laptop model using H2OUVE (Setup) variable method. He only does custom jobs for manufacturers nowadays from Hello - I have a Sager NP8957 Windows 10 Laptop. Kind regards, Mo Attached Files Thumbnail(s) B10511. Posts: 1 Threads: 0 Joined: Dec 2020 Reputation: 0. SMBIOS Version 2. I think it's actually a CLEVO P950RF model branded by Sager. AMIBCP shows duplicated entryes, Clevo [BIOS/vBIOS - MODS] Prema Mod™ & Stock [BIOS/vBIOS - MODS] Prema Mod™ & Stock. Anyone is welcome to seek the input of our helpful community as they piece together their desktop. BIOS fully unlocked. There is an Option on the "Boot" tab called UEFI Setting. I used the vBIOS from @Prema and his v2 BIOS. Turn it off and try again. More information on Prema: Prema, a legendary BIOS modder for both GPU's and laptops, has quit because someone impersonated him. 5, 16/11/2012. All have dead links or It's a Clevo W251EU branded as a Zoostorm. Update: My Galaxy S2 is again unable to do the USB connection. The P170sm is of no exception and I have seen various old threads of people using Prema Bios for this laptop. Anyway the latest Sager P150EM I have is 1. It states "If UEFI Boot Set As a bonus, I unlocked some advanced settings in the BIOS, but seems like I couldn't find a setting to undervolt the CPU (don't want to deal Throttlestop / Intel XTU if possible) or change the max multiplier (so it behaves like 4712MQ, we told about uefi boot. 1b undervolted for better temp 1905Mhz @881 mv | AUO B173HAN03. I haven't installed it yet on my laptop, but the checksums match Libreboot provides free, open source (libre) boot firmware based on coreboot, replacing proprietary BIOS/UEFI firmware on specific Intel/AMD x86 and ARM based motherboards, [REQUEST] Dell Precision T7500 BIOS Unlo Last Post: Madxxx2003 03-15-2025 09:44 PM » Replies: 4 » Views: 5147 REQUEST: ASUS K43E UNLOCK OC Last Post: Brand96 03-15-2025 05:56 PM » Replies: 15 » Views: 11520 [REQUEST] Lenovo ThinkPad X380 Yoga 20LJ Last Post: Dudu2002 Hello everyone, I’ve been trying to unlock my Clevo NH58DEQ laptop (Turkish reseller brand: Monster/Model:A5 v16. 2. All his releases are dedicated to "non-optimus" clevo laptop and thus are not working out of My bios seems to be fairly unlocked already as i used the Clevo PC Bios which seems to be mostly unlocked although im not sure what benefit installing this bios really has For example this is dsankes TM ported custom Both laptops have Insyde BIOS. 29. I have a Clevo P670SE and I wish to raise the GPU and Memory clocks. 05. But now the big question; could Sager Ryzen BIOS support, I just ordered a SAGER NP7958F1-S (CLEVO NH58AF1) Which has a Ryzen B450 motherboard I have been looking for BIOS updates for it since I have heard that AGESA updates are pretty important to Ryzen boards (this will by my first Ryzen system), however I have not been able to locate any BIOS files on either Sagernotebook, or even For Clevo BIOS Mods go here >>> PremaMod (WIP) P170HM3 +XTU = "working" STATUS UPDATE: Milestones: DONE - Intel XTU support enabled DONE - XTU 2920/2960 Extreme CPUs multi & additional Turbo voltage unlocked DONE - XTU XMP profile support DONE - 3D licence updated to support GTX485M & GTX580M with NVIDIA 3D VISION [REQUEST] Hidden Settings / Bios Mod for Clevo P650HS-G. /r/buildapc is a community-driven subreddit dedicated to custom PC assembly. Other interesting links for Clevo/Sager/XGM/BTO users: It's a custom bios for my Clevo laptop that will allow me overclocking and extra features. richtofen Junior Member #9. - Sorry for my bad english Posts: 3 Threads: 0 Joined: Mar 2012 Reputation: 0. I highly encourage everyone here to support this effort by taking a minute out of your day to sign Hello baked i could really need your help. I can't go through a reseller because the W370 is over 7 years old, but even if I could I can't find any resellers because Prema's site More information on Prema: Prema, a legendary BIOS modder for both GPU's and laptops, has quit because someone impersonated him. The software I found from the YT video is H2OUVE. ⚠️ Have a chip flasher handy like a rpi with clip! ⚠️ You should only flash Download your Clevo motherboard BIOS updates for free here after identifying your (DOS NOT NEEDED FOR TM, KM OR DM) FIRST MAKE A BOOTABLE USB-DRIVE WITH DOS WHICH CAN BE DONE WITH RUFUS, COPY THE FILES FROM THE FOLDER BIOS TO YOUR USB-DRIVE AND Little guide on how to show all the settings in clevo insyde_h20 uefi. 03-12-2012, 08:33 AM . Note: If your BIOS-Update tool says that no update is needed, then simply downgrade the Bios first: On Lenovo's drivers download page, the old Bios files are listed at the very bottom of the page. Posts: 1 Threads: 1 Joined: Oct 2019 Reputation: 0. clevo; bios; unlocked; mod; what I did I flashed the unlocked Hello all, I couldn't find any other forum pages relating to this laptop: Clevo W350ST (Sager NP7352) So I guess this is for all those who are scraping through the interwebs to find some useful modifications for it. I use Insyde H2Ouve to enable ‘‘BIOS Insde Full show’’ option I've finally found the best BIOS, "PREMA V1 MOD" is the best. Hi, I've got a P870DM-GS clevo laptop, 6700K CPU & 980 GTX desktop class GPU, but I'm stuck with the stock BIOS that doesn't let me do much of anything but play with the boot order of the drives lol. 02 stock BIOS. Use the Insyde H2O BIOS editor to modify a section of the BIOS so that the advance controls are made visible. Im looking to buy NH70RCQ (from local Polish brand Hyperbook) without RAM - im buying an HyperX Impact but question is to stick to 2666Mhz or buy a faster one modules like 3200Mhz. Custom Builds ; Clevo P775DM-3 upgrade adventures Clevo P775DM-3 upgrade adventures. techinferno. i have a clevo P651R that has a i7-6820hk and i got the "Current Limit Throttling" problem, and i use your ( P650RS, P670RS/RP6G) unlocked bios and it works fine. 0 IF YOU WANT TO KEEP USING BCLK OC! P170EM_17_12_PM_v2. mattfr69 [REQUEST] Custom Logo for Metabox Alpha-X NH58RD - Clevo - Insyde Bios. I've tried various places like TechInferno, the Wayback Machine, and some old forum websites. Do NOT do this if you don't have a good BIOS Beeps BIOS Boot CD BIOS Boot Diskette BIOS Boot Logo BIOS Boot USB Stick BIOS Chip installation removal Programming BIOS Chip Type list CMOS Reset BIOS Help BIOS ID BIOS Passwords BIOS Software Tools 3. md at main · supermarsx/other-clevo-modded-bios I have a Clevo P157SM with 1. You may also need to pick up the OEM Samsung memory that they I´m interestest in unlocked BIOS for Clevo P170HM , my bios seems to be the same that you post before. it keep reconnecting. If you do switch to the XMG BIOS you might be able to get your kits working. 1 HDMI output Port (with HDCP) 2 Mini DisplayPort 1. - eebssk1/clevo-insyde-uefi-settings-show-all. Please kindly do not come to me and say "you broke my laptop", this works fine on also if I accidently brick my pc, where on the mother board is the bios reset switch? Sorry this was long ^_^' needed as much info as possible My bios is : bios version : 1. At this moment I'm building new barebone so I don't have 6th gen CPU, I don't know is there any flashing method with USB boot available or I need to Hi, I have upgraded my P170EM with a 970M a couple of years ago. 08 (10-02-2021, 01:35 AM) Maxinator500 Wrote: (10-02-2021, 01:12 AM) pitu20012 Wrote: it goes back to menu of H20 Ok, let's try it one more time, but when I make you another mod. I haven't had any luck with their tech support yet, so I am reaching out to the but there is no option labeled CSM in my InsydeH20 BIOS utility. moman2000 I have attached the original and latest bios for my model. BAKED, Do you have the unlocked BIOS for P750DM2-G, I am currently running 1. (This is a 2500$ Machine and they provide literally no support , no bios updates and ship a software that Keep the moded bios, but you have to reinstall gpu drivers (DDU first), because non gsync bios changes subvendor id of the cards (thats why driver does not auto adjust and needs reinstal with clean procedure) / overclock your panel from nvidia drivers to 75 hz with a custom resolution(you can even go 100 hz with proper settings, or easily 90 hz I was wondering if you could help me. Any way, thanks for your reply « Next Oldest | Next Newest » First time posting here but the journey has been long and I can’t thank enough for the wealth of information and resource provided here by Lost_N_BIOS, as well as Fernando and SoniX in other threads. Hello all, I have just purchased a Schencker XMG U505 (Clevo P75ZM) machine with an integrated Intel HD 4600 and dedicated NV 965M. Although everything worked for me in the BIOS emulator, it seems that in real conditions such links cannot open menus that are outside the form set. 12-16-2020, 09:38 AM . Recently one of our forum members, EvanCarroll, started an online petition to request the removal of WIFI whitelists from Lenovo bios. Hello, I have a Clevo P170EM that was built by M-Tech. clevo p775dm3; clevo; modification; shunt; 3080; By incendery I found an issue with the bios version based on 1. Unless I reboot my laptop, the COOL Clevo P170SM Prema Bios Mod Found Did some scouring on various old forum threads and dead websites via WayBack Machine and found the fabled Prema Bios for the P170SM. I know that some Clevo resellers have more advanced BIOS options to allow changing multipliers and voltages. (I can share the method if anyone’s interested). Most of my concerns are in regards to enabling / disabling options such as hypertreading and turbo boost. 33. 59 working, stock vBIOS for the 970M 6GB but I did upgrade to the P150EM Prema v2 motherboard BIOS which I provided the link to. 02. but unlocked bios isn't enough to fix "Current Limit Throttling" because i got no settings for raising the amp/watt. com/clevo-sager/3119-premas-mod-bios-latest First of all , i allready tested this by myself on HM67 (Clevo p170hm , msi gt780dx) , QM67 and z370 but it will work from Sandy bridge up till newest gen i9 with AMi bios only. ashh87 Junior Member #182. What I would like to know is if it’s possible to show more hidden options like dram tuning and cpu voltage settings that continue hidden (even after the Hello folks i have a Clevo P771DM with a 980 GTX M 8 GB (Intel GPU disabled by vendor) , bios does not allow fan control or overclocking Im looking for a way to gain at least fan control for the gpu because the Control Software Center of Clevo frankly blows nuts. Please be responsible with your electronics and use this at your own risk. 10 gigahertz Intel Core i7-3920XM processor and windows key on the right. 14 MB / Downloads: 13) Life is too short to make mistakes, so do what is right! I did actually get the newest driver 516. I am using P6xxSE Prema Mod v2 for both BIOS and vBIOS. It does have 32G of memory and running a 3. Which mod is suggested (does the x signify anything special) and you don't by chance have one with the M-Tech splash? (01-05-2012, 02:45 PM) AHMED HOSSAM Wrote: This is not normal phoenix , its UEFI bios and i guess its not phoenix its ( AMI APTIO ) as the tool used for flashing is afudos and its for ami . If you are running proprietary Insyde firmware: I have accepted two pull requests today that should allow you to use the application again on modern kernels. Browsing through the BIOS settings I can see no method of turning off/disabling the NV card as I do not require this card at all and would prefer to run on the integrated Intel card. 00. If you realy have an old All that may be due to the BIOS was rebuilt incorrectly, so the vBIOS may not have been updated during the reflash due to incorrect checksums (Skipped over during update possibly) Only way for you to know for sure is to reflash the BIOS I posted above, then if you see changed reflected you initially expected to see then you'll know that's what Should be F2 while on the boot screen (SAGER Logo after you press the power button) to get to the BIOS options. Update: the new BIOS - Prema Mod V1 has fixed my USB connection problems !! and gaming performance has improved since i coming from 1. 962v (stock voltage with this vbios) it allow an OC at max 954 core 2400 memory (may vary in function of the quality of your card) and give you a 3dmark score of 7600-7850 (in function of your cpu). It seems like a bug that if I press Fn+1 to turn on COOL FAN mode, then press them again for turning off it, but it turns out that I can only turn off COOL FAN mode of primary graphics card fan and CPU fan with ancillary graphics card fan still in COOL FAN mode. It’s easy to revert the changes by cmos reset. The loaded BIOS says its a Clevo P170EMx with BIOS Rev 1. Check your messages Clevo am4 chassis unlikely to get zen 3 bios updates. EDIT these vbios files below I've tried work by increasing base wattage and max wattage under load but performance increases will greatly depend on the games utilization of the gpu. And their logo is effin horrible STYLE NOTE garbage. BIOS Update failed? BIOS Update Howto 2. That's a kind of pity. The metabox logo was cool however after updating the bios the clevo logo is kinda ugly. Choose BIOS Update method 1. prema; vbios; bios; clevo; By Guest so thumbs up for BTO! Normally if you have a custom bios flashed you have to pay everything but now just nothing And they think there is a chance that i receive the laptop this friday. 05 ( uefi UI ). 35v. 04. I posted a video bellow to show just how long it takes from when I press the power button till the "Style Note" logo comes on. I tried researching how to mod myself but couldn't get much resource. Our Dasharo coreboot distribution already has integrated firmware support for the backlight control. Can I also send an MP to receive the modified bios? I state that the BIOS of my PC has already been updated once. 8GHz, 6MB Intel Smart Fully Featured BIOS for Clevo PA70Hx (Kabylake) The BIOS is a little buggy at the moment, but it should work fine overall. Hi! I recently got a piece of strange custom hardware (wireless card terminal with 7in multitouch screen, atom z670-based, made by startup that is now dead, so I want to reuse it just as nettop with touchscreen), and trying to unlock hidden bios menus (to tweak settings like video memory size & etc, so I want to unlock all of them). (11-04-2016, 05:19 AM) sabrehawk Wrote: Oh lord why is it so hard to get a bios for CLEVO 771 DM that offers basic features such as fan control , logo support and stuff i dont even want to overclock i just want more control over my system. Bios Mods -The Best BIOS Update and Modification Source > Bios Mods Forum > Custom Logo/Splash Screen Requests > Clevo Insyde custom splash logo. The operations in this guide will most likely unlock ALL settings in this bios. jack5766 Please note that this is not for coreboot, it is for Insyde proprietary firmware only. 04a. Start the BIOS Update 4. Open comment sort options The seller isn't giving me much information and I am unsure if they've flashed the vbios on this card themselves, regardless of that I cannot seem to find a custom BIOS for this laptop either, the closest I found is P150EM_17_11_PM_v2 which is obviously for a EM not a HM model, again I don't know much about these two models and if attempting a Prema Mod BIOS & vBIOS for the most famous Clevo Notebooks! HASWELL: DO NOT UPDATE THE ME FIRMWARE BEYOND v9. Please help me change the logo. 09RNS1 BIOS from PROSTAR, but want to get and unlocked one, since cannot have access to all overclocking options, and also Dear Bios-Mods community, I currently own a Clevo W650SF with a Intel i7 4710MQ and a GeForce GT840M, however, since I applied some arctic diamond cooling paste my processor runs at around 56 degrees C max when running prime95, with the fan not even maxing out, and turbo boost going up to about 3. 000v. 6. The PC was bought about 5 years ago on PCSpecialist Laptops: 1. 7 I've heard of Prema Bios and they supposedly offer excellent homebrewed unlocked bios for many Sager and Clevo laptops over the years. 07, due to Yes, usually the vendors do slightly customize their BIOS from Clevo. He deleted his account and I believe also the files. ⚠️ Have a chip flasher handy like a rpi with clip! ⚠️ You should only flash this using spi programmer meaning clip! ⚠️ So for anyone who is looking to modify the boot logo on their Clevo P950HR and probably the majority of other more recent Clevo/PC Specialist/Saber. SOLD - Clevo P870DM-G | i9-9700K 4. zip, then as second step, you should flash the unlocked bios from P7xxDM3. zip (Size: 13. just read on the first page of this thread @baked instructions: " first make a bootable usb-drive with dos which can be done with rufus, copy the files from the folder bios to your usb-drive and restart and enter bios by pressing f2 at the boot logo, go to boot - uefi settings and disable uefi boot. Worst laptop manufacturer ever concerning support and customer I'm looking unlocked bios for clevo p751TM1 (8700k, 1070 gsync). I need it because the stock bios can't Edit: %100 fan function is now available in custom BIOS for any P150/P170 (and many other Clevo models) thanks to Prema's BIOS mod! http://forum. If i BAKED unlocked and stock BIOS for CLEVO TM, KM, DM and P6/P4 series BAKED unlocked and stock BIOS for CLEVO TM, KM, DM and P6/P4 series. 1 144hz Gsync | - I swapped to a Custom profile (because it will just use the previous profile’s settings) to manually adjust the voltage at 1. 07. 1 FINAL [02/07] Last Post: kocyigityunus Yesterday 11:01 AM » Replies: 253 » Views: 277066 [REQUEST] Lenovo G510 (79CNxxWW) Whiteli Last Post: archie1980 Yesterday 05:06 AM » Replies: 594 » Views: 265272 [REQUEST] Medion Erazer Defender P50 Bio Hi, I was wondering if anybody will be able to help me, I have a problem with some Clevo software that came with my laptop called FN Hotkeys and OSD, it is seriously frustrating and more annoying than most Malware I've had to deal with, it sometimes kicks me off apps to view this stupid caps lock on screen display and when I stay in the app trying to type it will either What Is the BIOS? The Basic Input-Output System (BIOS) is low-level software that is programmed onto your computer's motherboard. The clevo vbios has a 3d voltage of 0. Thanks Pd. 04V2 Prema BIOS, i7 4930MX CPU. 11 KBC/EC Firmware Revision : 1. 17LS1, so if Little guide to show all the settings in clevo insyde_h20 uefi. Do NOT do this if you don't have a good reason! If you think something is wrongly set I got Clevo P150SM and I'm looking for a unlocked bios like/or PREMA bios. See the wikipage Middleton's BIOS for installation instructions, downloads, and more information. I`m sorry , i can`t modify it . Is it possible to get unlocked / modded bios to undervolt cpu ( i7 10870h ) ???Hi Your mod completed. . 07 Stumbled onto this video for those who want to install dsanke's bios for this laptop, obviously go for rtx0729 lol Fully programmable macro capability – customize individual key as hot key / multiple keystrokes in one key. If that doesn't work, it will say at the bottom of the screen what F-key to press. Clevo N960KR: H570 chipset, Intel 11700K cpu, RTX 3070 gpu, Yaeh Sager has become Clevos new "public beta tester", Clevo only uploads a BIOS after Sager had it for about a monththey even sell units with alpha BIOS. I have Clevo modded/unlocked BIOS mirror collection by dsanke - other-clevo-modded-bios/README. Use up to 9900KS processor. I have a Clevo P65_P67RGRERA. I've searched through old forum posts, looked for archives on the wayback machine (used to be here), and even tried to contact Prema directly, but with no luck. It seems as if this file has been scrubbed off the internet or something. Probably not necessary to change the motherboard BIOS but I'm just making it . I am trying to run a MSI GTX1070 MXM card in my system. I have a CLEVO W370SS (rebadged as a Clevo Custom Laptops What is a custom laptop? It is a laptop in which you have the ability to choose how much RAM to put, to choose between what SSD / HDD or different Product Specifications (P670HP6-G): Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64 Bit) Display: 17. save and restart by pressing f4 and boot to your I know that updating a BIOS is a extremely delicate process and I ofcourse want to make 100% sure that its the BIOS I need because I do know that there are also slightly different BIOS for Sager Branded notebooks and I better want to be safe than sorry. When you turn on your computer, the BIOS initializes and tests all of the hardware in Hello, is it possible to unlock advanced BIOS settings on a Clevo laptop? I have the laptop, the reseller (Hasee) said the unlock isn't supported, but maybe someone have heard something about hacking the BIOS to get to advanced mode? Share Add a Comment. I now only recommend the clevo and gigabyte bios as I'm assuming that the stock. etc models, as well as Clevo modded/unlocked BIOS mirror collection by dsanke. rar is the mod, but I'm not sure. Will come back later after 1 week test. 3" Full HD IPS (1920x1080) Matte Display with G-Sync Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB GDDR5 Processor: 7th Generation Kaby Lake Intel Core i7-7700HQ Quad Core (2. I bought a raw clevo am4 chassis and I emailed clevo directly, looks like the will not be adding support due to the higher tdps. Clevo P750DM-G: Z170 chipset, Intel 6700K cpu, Quadro P4200 gpu, 64GB HyperX DDR4 2400MHz RAM, Prema BIOS, modded cooling. In system info I have BIOS Version/Date American Megatrends Inc 4. I have a new clevo p370em and your modded bios sounds great, especialy the full fans hotkey! I have never touched bios really, well never in this manner and I am a little confused about the version numbers. The original was an earlier version. Im trying to figure out what intel processors are compatible with the Clevo N960KR model laptop that has the rtx 3070 in it. I am specifically looking for settings related to fan control. Has shown on many thread, the v3 bios is not public and I have to stick with the v2 so I modded my infs for upgrading my nvidia drivers. rar So I'm thinking of buying a Clevo system but I'm very curious as to what the BIOS options are. Powered By [REQUEST] Dell Precision T7500 BIOS Unlo Last Post: Madxxx2003 03-15-2025 09:44 PM » Replies: 4 » Views: 5145 REQUEST: ASUS K43E UNLOCK OC Last Post: Brand96 03-15-2025 05:56 PM » Replies: 15 » Views: 11518 [REQUEST] Lenovo ThinkPad X380 Yoga 20LJ Last Post: Dudu2002 Dear Prema, is there any chance we'll see a custom bios for the N150RD (Eurocom Shark 5) at some point? Is there a new BIOS for the Clevo P771DM-G that improves the long boot times that I get with this unit. 01 and MSI 80. 8GHz-3. Sort by: Best. You guys are the reasons why forums continue to rule! Timing couldn’t be any better for this thread so big thanks to OP. The original Zoostorm BIOS presented WAY more options, but it was 'upgraded' to the plain Clevo version (presumably because of Windows 8 issues). 24 ov 1. Hi, Prema~Recently I found something wrong with my Clevo P370SM. Intel Core i7-6700HQ, NVidia GTX 970m 6GB with AMI Bios 1. 18. Hi, I'm looking for a modified bios for the Clevo W350st/W350stq, does anybody have one please? Posts: 1 Threads: 0 Joined: Jan 2021 Reputation: 0. Zoostorm don't support this anymore, so it's only Clevo's own ROMs left to be found. it might be that that setting is not unlocked Hi Mr. 03. zip is the stock bios from clevo and the P7xxDM3. 1263 is the AMI bios version, not the clevo bios version. I use EVGA Precision and NVIDIA inspector software for overclocking. Remember also that you need to create a partition beforehand if you haven't already. After you download and run the program, LOAD the BIOS Clevo modded/unlocked BIOS mirror collection by dsanke. fflo kpvm ikxk cjaj jajg suo uhbzw dsezrkr mvkmxs mzdy drv ruso pqzkm nivvmq sfraj